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QuickBooks Integrator V6
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ReceiveResponse Event

Fires when a response is received.


qbwcserver.on('ReceiveResponse', [callback])


The 'callback' is called when the 'ReceiveResponse' event is emited.

function(e){ }

The argument 'e' has the following properties:



This event fires after SendRequest to provide the response of the request. The parameters are as follows:

SessionTicket identifies the session.

Response holds the qbXML response. This may be passed to the QBResponseAggregate property or InputQBXML method of other classs in this toolkit to parse the response. In the case of an error this parameter will be empty. This value is read-only.

ErrorCode holds the error code (HResult) returned by QuickBooks. This value is read-only.

ErrorMessage holds the error message returned by QuickBooks. This value is read-only.

Success indicates whether the request was processed successfully by QuickBooks. If this value is False check HResult and Message for details. This value is read-only.

PercentDone indicates the current progress to QuickBooks Web Connector. A value of 100 means there are no more requests to be processed for this session.

A positive value less than 100 indicates there is still more work to do in this session and QuickBooks Web Connector will make another call and SendRequest will fire again. There is no limit to the number of requests in a session, so you may continue to set this value to a positive number less than 100 to continue the session.

A negative value indicates and error and will cause GetLastError to fire.

The default value is 100, which indicates there is no more work to do for this session.

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