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QuickBooks Integrator V6
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OpeningBalanceDate Property

The opening balance date of this account.

Object Oriented Interface

public function getOpeningBalanceDate();
public function setOpeningBalanceDate($value);

Procedural Interface

inqb_account_get($res, 9 );
inqb_account_set($res, 9, $value );

Default Value



The opening balance date of this account. Note that this property is only used when adding new accounts to QuickBooks, and will not be returned when retrieving account information from QuickBooks.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Data Type


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