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QBObject Class

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A generic QuickBooks object, allowing users to extend the product's functionality.

Class Name


Procedural Interface

 inqb_qbobject_register_callback($res, $id, $function);
 inqb_qbobject_set($res, $id, $index, $value);
 inqb_qbobject_get($res, $id, $index);
 inqb_qbobject_do_addproperty($res, $propertyname, $propertyvalue);
 inqb_qbobject_do_checkrequeststatus($res, $requestid);
 inqb_qbobject_do_config($res, $configurationstring);
 inqb_qbobject_do_get($res, $id);
 inqb_qbobject_do_getbyname($res, $fullname);
 inqb_qbobject_do_getproperty($res, $propertyname);
 inqb_qbobject_do_hasxpath($res, $xpath);
 inqb_qbobject_do_queue($res, $aggregate);
 inqb_qbobject_do_sendrawxml($res, $xmlstring);


QBObject is implemented for extensibility, and allows the user to extend the functionality of the class set. The class handles the XML parsing and QuickBooks connection, and leaves it to the user to specify the list of properties to include.

QBObject may be used to implement any object supported by version 1.1 of the QuickBooks SDK. For example, it could be used to implement a transaction line item. The full list of objects and their properties is in the SDK documentation; users of QBObject should download and refer to the SDK documentation for this information.

To add an object to QuickBooks, first set ObjectName to the name of the object being implemented; for example, "ItemService". Then, set ObjectType to the type of object: "List" for a list item, or "Txn" for a transaction item. Then, specify each property in order using the AddProperty method. Finally, invoke Add.

To get an object, set ObjectName and ObjectType as before, and then invoke Get. The object's property values may then be inspected using GetProperty. The object may also be deleted by invoking Delete.

The class does not implement any knowledge of QuickBooks business rules, and simply constructs QBXML based on ObjectName, ObjectType, and the calls to AddProperty. If the class is unable to construct valid QBXML it will fail with an error.

The following pseudocode shows how to add a service line item to QuickBooks.

QBObject1.ObjectName = "ItemService"
QBObject1.ObjectType = "Txn"
QBObject1.AddProperty("Name", "Item name here")
  "<AccountRef><FullName>Account name here</FullName></AccountRef>")

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ObjectNameThe name of the object.
ObjectTypeThe type of the object - generally List or Txn.
QBConnectionStringAn aggregate consisting of various QuickBooks connection properties.
QBRequestAggregateThe request aggregate.
QBRequestIdThe Id of the next message to be sent to QuickBooks.
QBRequestModeDefines whether the request is made online or stored offline.
QBResponseAggregateThe last QBXML response aggregate received from QuickBooks.
QBXMLVersionThe version of QBXML used in the outgoing message.
ResultCountThe number of records in the Result arrays.
ResultAggregateOne response XML aggregate returned from QuickBooks.
ResultObjNameIndicates which component is used to parse the corresponding Aggregate .
XChildCountNumber of children for the current element.
XElementThe name of the current element.
XPathProvides a way to point to a specific element in the document.
XTextThe text of the current element.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddAdds the record into QuickBooks.
AddPropertySets the value of the specified property.
CheckRequestStatusChecks whether or not the specified request was processed by QuickBooks.
CloseQBConnectionCloses a persistent connection to QuickBooks.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting .
DeleteDeletes the record from QuickBooks.
GetGets a single record from QuickBooks.
GetByNameGets a single record from QuickBooks.
GetPropertyGets the value of the specified property.
HasXPathDetermines whether a specific element exists in the document.
OpenQBConnectionOpens a persistent connection to QuickBooks.
ProcessQueueProcesses the current queue of transactions.
QueueAdds a transaction to the queue.
ResetResets all properties to their defaults.
ResetQueueResets the transaction queue.
SendRawXMLSends the provided XML string to the QBXML Request Processor.
UpdateUpdates the entity object in QuickBooks.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
SSLServerAuthenticationFired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
SSLStatusShows the progress of the secure connection.
StatusShows the progress of the QuickBooks connection.
WarningFired when a warning occurs.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

StopOnErrorSpecifies how QuickBooks is to proceed if an error occurs in processing of the current request.
SSLAcceptServerCertThe SSL certificate being used by the Remote Connector.
SSLAcceptServerCertFileThe SSL certificate file being used by the Remote Connector.
EnforceMaxLengthIndicates whether to enforce max lengths for QB Fields.
AuthFlagsConnection Flags (use for QuickBooks Simple Start).
GetHighestVersionHighest QBXMLVersion supported by the installed instance of QuickBooks.
GetSupportedVersionsReturns a list of QBXMLVersions that are supported by QuickBooks.
GetRequestProcessorDLLVersionReturns the version of the QB Request Processor that is installed on your system.
IsReadOnlyThis causes the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display text informing the user that its access will be read-only.
UnattendedModePrefWhether connecting while QuickBooks is closed is required or optional for the user.
PersonalDataPrefWhether the connecting application will require access to personal data such as SSN or credit card information.
QBOpenCompanyFileThe file currently open in QuickBooks.
QBConnectionModeThe mode of connection to QuickBooks.
QBFileStatusThe status of the company file as it pertains to accepting connections.
WarningCodesA comma-separated list of QuickBooks warning codes that should not result in an exception.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

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