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EDI Integrator V9
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LogFile Property

The log file written.


public String getLogFile();


If LogDirectory is specified a log file will be written in the specified directory and LogFile will contain the full path and name of the files written, minus the extension.

The bean will write multiple log files for each transmission, with separate extensions for each type of data:

Status (.log)Contains information about the steps taken during processing.
Request (.out)Contains the raw request/response that is sent by the bean.
Response (.in)Contains the raw request/response that is received by the bean.
Incoming ebXML (.ieb)Contains the incoming ebXML message.
Outgoing ebXML (.oeb)Contains the outgoing ebXML message.

One or more of these log files may be disabled by setting the LogOptions configuration setting. LogDirectory supports several macros that can be used to specify a unique directory path. If the path specified does not already exist, the bean will attempt to create the directory. The following macros are supported:

%MessageId%The MessageId of the transmission, after it is generated.
%Date:format%Format is a platform-specific date/time formatting string. For example: yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-SSS

The filenames will be chosen automatically by the bean. Each filename will be the system time, in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-MMMM, with extensions "-2", "-3", used in case files of those names already exist. After each transaction is processed LogFile will contain the name of the files just written, minus the extension.

If logs cannot be written an exception will be thrown.

This property is read-only.

Default Value


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Build 9.0.6635.0