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EDIWriter Bean

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The EDIWriter component is used to create new EDI documents.




The EDI writer component allows you to create a document from scratch. The bean allows you to create an EDI document one segment at a time. Here's how a document would normally be created:

  1. Call LoadSchema to load the necessary schemas for the transactions that will be used.
  2. Specify where to write the output document by setting the OutputFile property or SetOutputStream method, or set neither and check the OutputData property.
  3. Create a new interchange start segment using the StartInterchangeHeader method and set its properties using WriteElementString and WriteComponentString.
  4. To write a basic element value to the current location, call the WriteElementString method. For complex element values, there are two possibilities, elements which are split into components, and elements which repeat. To write these complex element values, use the StartElement and EndElement methods, with WriteComponentString and RepeatElement methods for writing the values. (Examples available below).
  5. Create a new functional group using StartFunctionalGroupHeader and set its properties using WriteElementString and WriteComponentString.
  6. Create a new transaction using StartTransactionHeader and set the properties for the header segment.
  7. Write all the data for the transaction by creating new data segments using StartSegment and providing the path of the segment to create using the schema names of the loops and segments, like /N1Loop1/N1.
  8. Once you are done with the segment, call EndSegment.
  9. Once you are done with the transaction, call CreateTransactionFooter.
  10. Once you are done with the functional group, call CreateFunctionalGroupFooter.
  11. Once the interchange is complete, call CreateInterchangeFooter.

Example EDIWriter Code:

//Complex Element, two components
//Skip a value for this element
//Basic element
//Complex Element, repeated element
//Segment and its data

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

EDIStandardThe EDI specification of the document.
FileWriteModeControls how the output file is opened.
OutputDataContains the output data.
OutputFileSpecifies the name of the EDI file to write to.
SchemaFormatThe format of the schema file.
SuffixWhat to append after each segment delimiter.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

compileSchemaCompiles an existing XSD schema into an optimized binary representation.
configSets or retrieves a configuration setting .
createFunctionalGroupFooterCloses the current functional group by writing its footer segment.
createInterchangeFooterCloses the current interchange by writing its footer segment.
createTransactionFooterCloses the current transaction set by writing its footer segment.
endElementFinishes the current composite data element.
endSegmentEnds writing the current segment.
flushForces any pending segments to be written to the output stream without closing it.
loadSchemaLoads a schema file describing a Transaction Set.
loadSchemaStreamLoads a schema stream describing a Transaction Set.
repeatElementAdds a new repetition to the current element.
resetResets the state of the control.
setOutputStreamAn output stream to write the EDI data to.
skipComponentMoves to the next sub-element in the current composite element in the current segment.
skipElementMoves to the next data element in the current segment.
startElementStarts a new EDI composite data element on the current segment.
startFunctionalGroupHeaderCreates a new EDI functional group header segment on the current document.
startInterchangeHeaderCreates a new EDI Interchange header segment on the current document.
startSegmentCreates a new EDI data segment on the current document.
startTransactionHeaderCreates a new EDI transaction set header on the current document.
writeComponentStringSets the value of the next component within the current element in the current segment.
writeElementStringSets a value of the next element in the current segment to a simple value.
writeTransactionWrites an entire transaction to the output.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
OutputFires whenever a segment is complete.
WarningFires whenever a validation warning is encountered.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

CloseStreamAfterInterchangeControls when the output stream is closed.
DontUseUNADisables automatic generation of UNA segment.
EdifactSyntaxVersionChanges the syntax version used for EDIFACT control segments.
EncodingThe character encoding to be applied when reading and writing data.
ComponentDelimiterThe delimiter character to use to separate components.
ElementDelimiterThe delimiter character to use to separate data elements.
ReleaseCharThe character to use to escape delimiters within values.
RepetitionCharThe repetition character.
SegmentDelimiterThe delimiter character to use to separate segments.
TransactionOnlyIgnores interchange and functional group validation, allowing you to build the transaction body.
StrictSchemaValidationSpecifies the behavior during schema validation.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

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Build 9.0.6635.0