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GMail Bean

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The GMail component provides an easy to use interface to Gmail.




GMail provides a simple way to access and manage mail in Gmail.

The component connects to the Gmail server using IMAP and also supports Gmail specific IMAP extensions such as thread ids and labels.

To begin you may authenticate either by specifying User and Password, or by providing an OAuth authorization string in Authorization and setting AuthMechanism to amSASLXOAuth2. Call the Connect method to connect.

After connecting set the Mailbox property and call SelectMailbox to select a mailbox to examine. To retrieve information about the messages in the mailbox set MessageSet and call FetchMessageInfo. To download a message call FetchMessageText.

Many other operations are supported by the component including managing flags, moving and copying messages, working with Gmail labels, and more. Review the methods listed in this help file for more information on supported operations.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthMechanismThe authentication mechanism to be used when connecting to the mail server.
AuthorizationOAuth 2.0 Authorization Token.
AutoDecodePartsDetermines whether to automatically decode message parts.
CommandCan be used to send additional commands directly to the server.
ConnectedShows whether the component is connected.
EndByteThe byte index of the position where the transfer should end.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
LastReplyThe last reply from the server.
LocalFileThe path to a local file for downloading the message body. If the file exists, it is overwritten (optional).
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
MailboxName of the mailbox selected on the server.
MailboxFlagsDefines flags in the selected mailbox.
MailboxListCollection of mailboxes listed by the server.
MailPortThe port of the IMAP server (default is 143).
MailServerThe name or address of the mail server (IMAP server).
MessageProvides the raw message content.
MessageContentEncodingThe ContentEncoding of the selected message.
MessageContentTypeThe ContentType of the message.
MessageCountThe total number of messages on the Mailbox .
MessageDateThe time the message was created.
MessageDeliveryTimeThe time the message was delivered to the mail server.
MessageFlagsContains the flags of the current message.
MessageFromThe address of the author of the message.
MessageGmailIdThe unique Gmail Id of the message.
MessageHeadersCollection of RFC822-encoded headers of the message.
MessageHeadersStringString version of RFC822-encoded headers of the message.
MessageIdThe message identifier of the current message.
MessageInfoCollection of messages retrieved by FetchMessageInfo .
MessageInReplyToThe unique message identifier of the message this one is in reply to.
MessageLabelsA space separated list of labels.
MessageNetIdThe globally unique identifier of the message.
MessagePartsCollection of message parts collected by FetchMessageInfo .
MessageRecipientsCollection of recipients for the current message.
MessageReplyToEmail address(s) where replies to the message should be sent.
MessageSenderThe address of the sender of the message.
MessageSetThe set of messages to operate on.
MessageSizeThe size of the selected message.
MessageSubjectThe subject of the message.
MessageTextThe body of the retrieved message.
MessageThreadIdThe thread Id of the current message.
OverwriteIndicates whether or not the component should overwrite files during transfer.
PasswordThe password used to authenticate to the MailServer .
PeekModeWhen set to True, the message Seen flag is not changed during reading.
RecentMessageCountNumber of new messages in the Mailbox .
SearchCriteriaCriteria used when searching.
SortCriteriaSorts criteria to use for message retrieval operations.
SSLAcceptServerCertInstructs the component to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate.
SSLCertThe certificate to be used during SSL negotiation.
SSLServerCertThe server certificate for the last established connection.
SSLStartModeDetermines how the component starts the SSL negotiation.
StartByteThe byte index of the position where the transfer should start.
TimeoutA timeout for the component.
UIDModeIf true, permanent message identifiers are used instead of the default temporary identifiers.
UIDValidityThe UIDValidity parameter sent from the server in response to SelectMailbox command.
UserThe user name used to authenticate to the MailServer .

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

addMessageFlagsAdds the specified flags to the messages specified by MessageSet .
addMessageLabelsAdds the specified labels to the message specified by MessageSet.
appendToMailboxAppends the message in MessageText to the mailbox specified by Mailbox .
checkMailboxSends a 'CHECK' command to the server.
closeMailboxRemoves all messages marked with 'Deleted' flag from the currently selected mailbox and unselect mailbox.
configSets or retrieves a configuration setting .
connectConnects to an IMAP server.
copyToMailboxCopies the messages specified by MessageSet to the mailbox specified by Mailbox .
createMailboxCreates a new mailbox specified by Mailbox .
deleteFromMailboxMarks the messages specified by MessageSet as deleted.
deleteMailboxDeletes a mailbox specified by Mailbox .
deleteMailboxACLDeletes mailbox access control rights for a specific user.
disconnectDisconnects from an IMAP server.
doEventsProcesses events from the internal message queue.
examineMailboxSelects a Mailbox (Read-only mode).
expungeMailboxRemoves all messages marked with 'Deleted' flag from the currently selected mailbox.
fetchMessageHeadersRetrieves the message headers of messages specified by the MessageSet property.
fetchMessageInfoRetrieves information about messages specified by the MessageSet property.
fetchMessagePartRetrieves the message part specified by PartID.
fetchMessagePartHeadersRetrieves the headers of message part specified by PartID.
fetchMessageTextRetrieves the message text of messages specified by the MessageSet property.
getMailboxACLRetrieves mailbox access control rights.
interruptInterrupt the current method.
listMailboxesLists all mailboxes matching all criteria in the Mailbox property.
listSubscribedMailboxesLists all subscribed mailboxes matching all criteria in the Mailbox property.
localizeDateConverts a valid RFC 822 message date to local date and time.
moveToMailboxMoves the messages specified by MessageSet to the mailbox specified by Mailbox .
noopSends a 'NOOP' command to the server.
renameMailboxChange the name of Mailbox to NewName .
resetMessageFlagsReplaces the flags of the messages specified by MessageSet with the flags specified by MessageFlags .
resetMessageLabelsReplaces the labels of the message specified by MessageSet with the labels specified by MessageLabels.
searchMailboxSearch selected mailbox for specified text.
selectMailboxSelect a Mailbox.
setMailboxACLSets mailbox access control rights for a specific user.
setMessageStreamSets the stream to which the message (or message part) downloaded from the server will be written.
subscribeMailboxSubscribes to the mailbox specified by Mailbox .
unsetMessageFlagsRemoves the flags specified by MessageFlags from the messages specified by MessageSet .
unsetMessageLabelsRemoves the message labels specified by MessageLabels from the message specified by MessageSet.
unsubscribeMailboxUnsubscribes from the mailbox specified by Mailbox .

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConnectionStatusFired to indicate changes in connection state.
EndTransferFired when the message or the part data finishes transferring.
ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
HeaderFired every time a header line comes in.
MailboxACLFires for each set of access control rights returned by the server.
MailboxListFired for each mailbox received through the ListMailboxes and ListSubscribedMailboxes methods.
MessageInfoFired with information for the message(s) retrieved by the server.
MessagePartFired for each message part when FetchMessageInfo is called.
PITrailTraces the commands sent to the mail server, and the respective replies.
SSLServerAuthenticationFired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
SSLStatusShows the progress of the secure connection.
StartTransferFired when the message or the part data starts transferring.
TransferFired while the message gets transferred from the MailServer .

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

IdleThe current status of the component.
AlwaysReturnUIDsInstructs the server to return UIDs even if not in UIDMode.
AppendToMailboxDateTimeSpecifies the date-time parameter used in the initial APPEND request.
AuthorizationIdentityThe value to use as the authorization identity when SASL authentication is used.
AutoDecodeSubjectInstructs the component to automatically decode message subjects.
EnableIMAPIDLEEnables or disables IDLE command support in the component.
FetchAfterSearchDetermines if messages matching the SearchCriteria are fetched after calling SearchMailbox.
IncludeHeadersInstructs the component to include the headers in the LocalFile.
UTF7MailboxNamesSpecifies whether or not to automatically encode and decode UTF-7 mailbox names.
ConnectionTimeoutSets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection.
FirewallAutoDetectTells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
FirewallHostName or IP address of firewall (optional).
FirewallPasswordPassword to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
FirewallPortThe TCP port for the FirewallHost;.
FirewallTypeDetermines the type of firewall to connect through.
FirewallUserA user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
KeepAliveTimeThe inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent.
KeepAliveIntervalThe retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received.
LingerWhen set to True, connections are terminated gracefully.
LingerTimeTime in seconds to have the connection linger.
LocalHostThe name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe TCP port in the local host where the component binds.
MaxLineLengthThe maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.
MaxTransferRateThe transfer rate limit in bytes per second.
RecordLengthThe length of received data records.
TCPKeepAliveDetermines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled.
UseIPv6Whether to use IPv6.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLProviderThe name of the security provider to use.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
OpenSSLCADirThe path to a directory containing CA certificates.
OpenSSLCAFileName of the file containing the list of CA's trusted by your application.
OpenSSLCipherListA string that controls the ciphers to be used by SSL.
OpenSSLPrngSeedDataThe data to seed the pseudo random number generator (PRNG).
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
FirewallDataUsed to send extra data to the firewall.
InBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket.
OutBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

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Build 2.0.6240.0