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AddQueryParam Method

Adds a query parameter to the QueryParams properties.


void __fastcall AddQueryParam(String name, String value);


This method is used to add a query parameter to the QueryParams properties. Name specifies the name of the parameter, and Value specifies the value of the parameter.

All specified Values will be URL encoded by the component when a Query is performed.

Common parameters available for GData are:

author Returns entries where the author name and/or email address match your query string.
category Performs a category filter.

To query on multiple categories (i.e. performing an AND), you can separate categories by using forward slashes: "catA/catB".

To perform an OR between categories, you can separate terms using the pipe (|) character: "catA|catB".

To exclude entries that match a specified category (i.e. performing a NOT), you can prefix the term with a "-": "-categoryterm".

To query for a category that has a scheme, you must place the scheme in curly braces before the category name: "{}public". To match a category that has no scheme, use an empty pair of curly braces: "{}". If you don't specify curly braces, then categories in any scheme will match.

The above features can be combined as well. For example, "A|-{}B/-C" translates to (A OR (NOT B)) AND (NOT C).

entryID Returns only the entry specified by the entry ID.
max-results Maximum number of results to be retrieved. You can specify a very large number if you want to retrieve the entire feed.
published-min The lower bound on the entry publication date (inclusive). The format of the date will depend on the DateFormat you are currently using. Unless otherwise specified, the default format used is "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ" (e.g. 2011-04-04T18:44:20.000Z).
published-max The upper bound on the entry publication date (exclusive). The format of the date will depend on the DateFormat you are currently using. Unless otherwise specified, the default format used is "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ" (e.g. 2011-04-04T18:44:20.000Z).
q Full-text query search (case-insensitive). List search terms are separated by spaces and the Google service will return all entries that match all of the specified search terms. A service searches on complete words (and related words with the same stem), not substrings.

To search for an exact phrase, enclose the Value in quotation marks: "exact phrase"

To exclude entries that match a given term, use the form: -term.

start-index 1-based index of the first result to be retrieved.
strict This parameter can be set to 'True' to have the service verify that each of your query parameters are recognized by the service. If a parameter is not recognized, an error will be returned.
updated-min The lower bound on the entry update date (inclusive). The format of the date will depend on the DateFormat you are currently using. Unless otherwise specified, the default format used is "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ" (e.g. 2011-04-04T18:44:20.000Z).
updated-max The upper bound on the entry update date (exclusive). The format of the date will depend on the DateFormat you are currently using. Unless otherwise specified, the default format used is "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ" (e.g. 2011-04-04T18:44:20.000Z).

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