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ACLRole Property

This property contains the role of ScopeValue for a Google Data object and allows you to determine their access rights.


__property TibgGDataACLRoles ACLRole[int ACLIndex] = {read=FACLRole, write=FSetACLRole};

enum TibgGDataACLRoles { garOwner=0, garWriter=1, garReader=2 };

Default Value



This property contains the role of ACLScopeValue for a Google Data object and allows you to determine their access rights.

Possible values are:

0 (garOwner) The owner of the document/folder. As an owner you have the ability to modify the ACL feed, delete the document, etc.
1 (garWriter) A Collaborator.
2 (garReader) A Viewer (equivalent to read-only access).

The size of the array is controlled by the ACLCount property.

This property is not available at design time.

Data Type


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