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CellList Event

Fired once for each cell entry retrieved.


typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibgGSpreadsheetsCellListEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibgGSpreadsheetsCellListEventParams *e);

__property TibgGSpreadsheetsCellListEvent OnCellList = {read=FOnCellList, write=FOnCellList};

typedef struct {
     String Id;
     String ETag;
     String DateUpdated;
     int Row;
     int Column;
     String InputValue;
     String NumericValue;
} TibgGSpreadsheetsCellListEventParams;


The CellList event is fired for each cell entry retrieved after a QueryCells call.

Id contains the ID value for the current cell.

ETag contains the ETag value for the current cell.

DateUpdated contains the date and time that the current worksheet was last updated. The format of the date will depend on the DateFormat you are currently using. Unless otherwise specified, the default format used is "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ" (e.g. 2011-04-04T18:44:20.000Z).

Row contains the row index for the current cell.

Column contains the column index for the current cell.

InputValue contains the input (actual physically entered) value of the current cell.

Note that this property can return formulas (such as "=SUM(1, 1)". In such a case that you want the computed value, instead of the formula, you can check if the returned InputValue starts with "=". If so, then use the value contained within NumericValue.

NumericValue contains the numeric (computed) value of the current cell. This property will only be populated if InputValue contains a formula (i.e. starts with "=").

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