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UpdateACLResponse Event

Fired once for each entry returned after updating a document ACL.


Public Event OnUpdateACLResponse As OnUpdateACLResponseHandler
public event OnUpdateACLResponseHandler OnUpdateACLResponse;

public delegate void OnUpdateACLResponseHandler(object sender, GspreadsheetsUpdateACLResponseEventArgs e);

class GspreadsheetsUpdateACLResponseEventArgs : EventArgs {
  int Role {get;}
  int ScopeType {get;}
  string ScopeValue {get;}
  bool Success {get;}
  string StatusCode {get;}
  string StatusReason {get;}
  int Operation {get;}
  string LastUpdated {get;}
  string RawEntryXML {get;}


The UpdateACLResponse event is fired for each entry returned after updating a ACL by calling UpdateACL.

Role contains the role of ScopeValue for a document/folder and allows you to determine their access rights. Possible values are:

0 (garOwner) The owner of the document/folder. As an owner you have the ability to modify the ACL feed, delete the document, etc.
1 (garWriter) A Collaborator.
2 (garReader) A Viewer (equivalent to read-only access).

ScopeType contains the scope (level of sharing permissions) of ScopeValue for a document/folder. Possible values are:

0 (gasUser) A user's email address.
1 (gasGroup) A Google Group email address.
2 (gasDomain) A Google Apps domain.
3 (gasDefault) Publicly shared with all users.

ScopeValue contains the scope value (e-mail address or domain name) for a document/folder.

Success determines whether the operation performed on the ACL was successful (true) or not (false).

StatusCode contains the status code of the operation performed on the entry.

StatusReason contains the status reason of the operation performed on the entry.

Operation contains the operation that was performed. Possible values are:

0 (gaoNone) The entry will not be updated.
1 (gaoAdd) The entry will be added to the ACL.
2 (gaoDelete) The entry will be deleted from the ACL.
3 (gaoQuery) The entry will be queried (in which results will be returned in the response).
4 (gaoUpdate) The entry will be updated with the specified values.

LastUpdated contains the date and time that the ACL entry was last updated.

RawEntryXML contains the raw XML content for the current ACL entry.

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