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WorksheetList Event

Fired once for each worksheet entry retrieved.


Public Event OnWorksheetList As OnWorksheetListHandler
public event OnWorksheetListHandler OnWorksheetList;

public delegate void OnWorksheetListHandler(object sender, GspreadsheetsWorksheetListEventArgs e);

class GspreadsheetsWorksheetListEventArgs : EventArgs {
  string Id {get;}
  string ETag {get;}
  string DateUpdated {get;}
  string Title {get;}
  int RowCount {get;}
  int ColumnCount {get;}


The WorksheetList event is fired for each worksheet entry retrieved after a QueryWorksheets call.

Id contains the ID value for the current worksheet.

ETag contains the ETag value for the current worksheet.

DateUpdated contains the date and time that the current worksheet was last updated. The format of the date will depend on the DateFormat you are currently using. Unless otherwise specified, the default format used is "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ" (e.g. 2011-04-04T18:44:20.000Z).

Title contains the title of the current worksheet.

RowCount contains the number of rows in the current worksheet.

ColumnCount contains the number of columns in the current worksheet.

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