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UpdateACL Method

Modifies the Access Control List (ACL).

Object Oriented Interface

public function doUpdateACL();

Procedural Interface



This method will update the Access Control List (ACL) of a data object, specified by EntryAclURL, with the entries contained within ACLs.

When this method is called, the class will perform the specified ACLOperation for each Access Control List (ACL) entry. Therefore you can perform multiple ACL operations (such as deleting, updating, and/or adding an entry) within a single call, by setting ACLOperation as needed.

To determine if each ACL entry operation was successful or not, you will need to check ACLSuccess after an update to the Access Control List was attempted. Additionally, ACLStatusCode and ACLStatusReason can be used to obtain further details about the status of the operation that was performed. Below is a list of possible ACLStatusCode values.

Status Code Explanation
200 (OK) No error.
201 (CREATED) Creation of a resource was successful.
304 (NOT MODIFIED) The resource hasn't changed since the time specified in the request's If-Modified-Since header.
400 (BAD REQUEST) Invalid request URI or header, or unsupported nonstandard parameter.
401 (UNAUTHORIZED) Authorization required.
403 (FORBIDDEN) Unsupported standard parameter, or authentication or authorization failed.
404 (NOT FOUND) Resource (such as a feed or entry) not found.
409 (CONFLICT) Specified version number doesn't match resource's latest version number.
410 (GONE) Requested change history is no longer available on the server. Refer to service-specific documentation for more details.
500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR) Internal error. This is the default code that is used for all unrecognized server errors.

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Build 2.0.6240.0