PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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Pay Method

Creates and executes a new payment.


public void pay();


To make a payment, set at least one Recipients (Email and Amount), the CurrencyCode, CancelURL, and ReturnURL, and then call Pay. To make a parallel payment, set multiple Recipients and to make a chained payment make one (and only one) of the Recipients primary by setting the Primary field to True.

For implicit approval, set the SenderEmail property. If you have a Preapproval set up, you can use the preapproval to avoid explicit approval. In that case set the PreApprovalKey and PreApprovalPIN properties instead.

If you need to change any default payment settings, use the CreatePayment method instead. Pass the PaymentKey you receive to the SetPaymentOptions method to update the default payment settings for that transaction. Then call ExecutePayment once you're ready to fulfill the payment.

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