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PayPal Integrator V5
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CurrentPeriodEndingDate Property

Ending date for the current period. Time is currently not supported.


public String getCurrentPeriodEndingDate();


The date and time must be in the following format:


This is explained in more detail below:

yyyyFour-digit year, e.g. "2005"
MM Two-digit month.
ddTwo-digit day.
TIndicates time follows the date.
HHHours in military time (24-hour format).
mm Minutes
Z1-character (US military) representation of the time zone, "A" - "M" are negative offsets -1 to -12, with "J" not being used. "N" - "Y" are positive offsets 1 to 12, and "Z" indicates GMT/UTC (no offset).

For instance, "2004-05-26T15:00:00.000Z" is May 26th, 2004 at 3:00pm GMT. This property is filled after a call to GetPreApprovalDetails.

This property is read-only.

Default Value


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