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PayPal Integrator V5
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InvoicePaymentInfo Type

This type describes the details about the invoice payment.


Once an invoice payment is made, this type is used to describe the details of the payment.



Contains the date on which the invoice was paid.

The date and time must be in the following format:


This is explained in more detail below:

yyyyFour-digit year, e.g. "2005"
MM Two-digit month.
ddTwo-digit day.
TIndicates time follows the date.
HHHours in military time (24-hour format).
mm Minutes
Z1-character (US military) representation of the time zone, "A" - "M" are negative offsets -1 to -12, with "J" not being used. "N" - "Y" are positive offsets 1 to 12, and "Z" indicates GMT/UTC (no offset).

For instance, "2004-05-26T15:00:00.000Z" is May 26th, 2004 at 3:00pm GMT.


This field is used to specify the method of payment used when marking an invoice as paid (via MarkAsPaid).

The following payment methods are available:

pmPayPal (0) Payment is made by PayPal (default value).
pmBankTransfer (1) Payment is made by a bank transfer.
pmCash (2) Payment is made in cash.
pmCheck (3) Payment is made by check.
pmCreditCard (4) Payment is made by a credit card.
pmDebitCard (5) Payment is made by a debit card.
pmWireTransfer (6) Payment is made by a wire transfer.
pmOther (7) Payment is made by a method not specified in this list.


Contains a note associated with the invoice payment.


Contains the Transaction ID of a PayPal payment.

Note: This field is only used after a call to GetDetails is made, provided that the invoice was paid by PayPal.


Public InvoicePaymentInfo()

public InvoicePaymentInfo();

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