PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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ExecutePayment Method

Runs a payment that was previously created.


adaptivepay.executePayment(paymentKey, [callback])


The 'callback' parameter specifies a function which will be called when the operation completes (or an error is encountered). If the 'callback' parameter is not specified, then the method will block and will not return until the operation completes (or an error is encountered).

The callback for this method is defined as:

function(err){ }

'err' is the error that occurred. If there was no error, then 'err' is 'null'.

'err' has 2 properties which hold detailed information:



This method runs a payment that was previously created using the CreatePayment method. Creating and later executing payments is useful, because after creating a payment with the CreatePayment method, you can use the SetPaymentOptions method to modify any payment settings you wish to change before actually running the transaction. After everything is set up, pass the PaymentKey to the ExecutePayment method to fulfill the transaction.

If you do not need to change any payment settings, simply call the Pay method instead of using CreatePayment and ExecutePayment.

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