PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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LoadInputFile Method

Load mass payment file.

Object Oriented Interface

public function doLoadInputFile($filename);

Procedural Interface

inpaypal_masspay_do_loadinputfile($res, $filename);


The PayPal website has a Mass Payment feature which takes a simple tab-delimited text file. This method will load this file into the RecipientEmail, Amount, CurrencyCode, TransactionId, and Note properties. The format of this file should be:

RecipientEmail [tab] Amount [tab] CurrencyCode [tab] TransactionId [tab] Note [crlf]

The TransactionId and Note properties are optional, but the rest are required. If you're not using these properties, either of the following formats are valid:

RecipientEmail [tab] Amount [tab] CurrencyCode [tab] [tab] [crlf]

RecipientEmail [tab] Amount [tab] CurrencyCode [crlf]

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