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E-Banking Integrator V4
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ChallengeDetail Type

This type corresponds to a single MFA challenge question/answer pair.


This type is used when the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required by the FI, as a second layer of password protection.

ChallengeDetail objects are used when requesting challenge questions from your FI (when the RequestChallengeQuestions is called) and sending back challenge answers (when the SendChallengeAnswers method is called).

Note: The Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is applicable only in OFXVersions: 1.0.3, 2.0.3, 2.1.0, and 2.1.1.



Wrapper for a MFA challenge question.

Each challenge question aggregate contains elements and values associated with the following fields:

Aggregates are pieces of XML taken from the financial institution's original response. They contain elements that correspond to many of the component's fields. However, some of these elements, and/or their potential values, may not be supported by the component. Any user who wishes to use unsupported fields may use this aggregate property to parse out the desired data either via our OFXAggregate component or any other means.

Note: The original data from the server is returned as SGML or XML (depending on the value of OFXVersion that FI supports. If the original data is returned in SGML format, the component internally manipulates these responses into the equivalent XML format by inserting close element tags (e.g., "</ACCTID>") into the data as it comes from the server.


User's answer to the challenge question identified by QuestionId.

Depending on the value of QuestionId, this answer can be collected by user or client. Values above MFA100 are reserved for questions that the server expects the client to answer. These do not require customer responses. All other IDs as well as server specific IDs expect customer responses. Clients may need to identify out of band which of the IDs above MFA100 they support.


The textual challenge question.

The following table details the list of possible reserved values for QuestionId and corresponding textual description of the challenge question:

QuestionId Question
MFA1 City of birth
MFA2 Date of birth, formatted MM/DD/YYYY
MFA3 Debit card number
MFA4 Father's middle name
MFA5 Favorite color
MFA6 First pet's name
MFA7 Five digit ZIP code
MFA8 Grandmother's maiden name on your father's side
MFA9 Grandmother's maiden name on your mother's side
MFA10 Last four digits of your cell phone number
MFA11 Last four digits of your daytime phone number
MFA12 Last four digits of your home phone number
MFA13 Last four digits of your social security number
MFA14 Last four digits of your tax ID
MFA15 Month of birth of youngest sibling, do not abbreviate
MFA16 Mother's maiden name
MFA17 Mother's middle name
MFA18 Name of the company where you had your first job
MFA19 Name of the manufacturer of your first car
MFA20 Name of the street you grew up on
MFA21 Name of your high school football team, do not include high school name, e.g. "Beavers" rather than "Central High Beavers"
MFA22 Recent deposit or recent withdrawal amount
MFA23 Year of birth, formatted YYYY
MFA101 Datetime, formatted YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
MFA102 Host name
MFA103 IP Address
MFA104 MAC Address
MFA105 Operating System version
MFA106 Processor architecture, e.g. I386
MFA107 UserAgent

Note:Values above MFA100 are reserved for questions that the server expects the client to answer. These do not require customer responses. All other IDs as well as server specific IDs expect customer responses. Clients may need to identify out of band which of the IDs above MFA100 they support.


Identifier for the challenge question.

This is unique for this challenge question, but not unique for the user, session, etc.

The following table details the list of possible reserved values for QuestionId and corresponding textual description of the challenge question:

QuestionId Question
MFA1 City of birth
MFA2 Date of birth, formatted MM/DD/YYYY
MFA3 Debit card number
MFA4 Father's middle name
MFA5 Favorite color
MFA6 First pet's name
MFA7 Five digit ZIP code
MFA8 Grandmother's maiden name on your father's side
MFA9 Grandmother's maiden name on your mother's side
MFA10 Last four digits of your cell phone number
MFA11 Last four digits of your daytime phone number
MFA12 Last four digits of your home phone number
MFA13 Last four digits of your social security number
MFA14 Last four digits of your tax ID
MFA15 Month of birth of youngest sibling, do not abbreviate
MFA16 Mother's maiden name
MFA17 Mother's middle name
MFA18 Name of the company where you had your first job
MFA19 Name of the manufacturer of your first car
MFA20 Name of the street you grew up on
MFA21 Name of your high school football team, do not include high school name, e.g. "Beavers" rather than "Central High Beavers"
MFA22 Recent deposit or recent withdrawal amount
MFA23 Year of birth, formatted YYYY
MFA101 Datetime, formatted YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
MFA102 Host name
MFA103 IP Address
MFA104 MAC Address
MFA105 Operating System version
MFA106 Processor architecture, e.g. I386
MFA107 UserAgent

Note:Values above MFA100 are reserved for questions that the server expects the client to answer. These do not require customer responses. All other IDs as well as server specific IDs expect customer responses. Clients may need to identify out of band which of the IDs above MFA100 they support.


Public ChallengeDetail()

public ChallengeDetail();

Public ChallengeDetail(ByVal Answer As String)

public ChallengeDetail(string answer);

Public ChallengeDetail(ByVal QuestionId As String, ByVal Answer As String)

public ChallengeDetail(string questionId, string answer);

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