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E-Banking Integrator V4
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TransferDetail Type

This type corresponds to a single bank transfer.


TransferDetail objects are used when initiating or modifying a bank transfer, or synchronizing the bank transfers (when the corresponding methods: TransferFunds, ModifyTransfer, and SynchronizeTransfers are called).



Wrapper for a bank transfer being initiated, modified or synchronized.

Aggregates are pieces of XML taken from the financial institution's original response. They contain elements that correspond to many of the component's fields. However, some of these elements, and/or their potential values, may not be supported by the component. Any user who wishes to use unsupported fields may use this aggregate property to parse out the desired data either via our OFXAggregate component or any other means.

Note: The original data from the server is returned as SGML or XML (depending on the value of OFXVersion that FI supports. If the original data is returned in SGML format, the component internally manipulates these responses into the equivalent XML format by inserting close element tags (e.g., "</ACCTID>") into the data as it comes from the server.


Amount of the bank transfer being initiated, modified or synchronized.

This is required to be provided when initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when either TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called),

It is returned in the server response for each payment being synchronized (when the SynchronizeTransfers method is called).

Note: the financial institution usually returns amounts as a string that includes the sign (+/-) of the amount. However, the server may sometimes leave out a particular field if it is not required by the OFX specification. To avoid confusion that can be caused by returning integers, the component will return all amount types as a string, with the empty string ("") for fields not returned by the server.

Where there is a value returned by the server, the component will attempt to convert the string into a format that can be easily parsed into an integer value. This behavior can be controlled by the CurrencyFormat config setting.


Default currency code for this transaction.

Indicates how to interpret the monetary transferred amount. Expressed as a special character, such as $.


Date the bank transfer (being initiated, modified or synchronized) is scheduled to be sent.

This can be provided when sending a bank transfer request (initiating or modifying a transfer when either TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called. In these cases, if the DateDue is not specified in the request, the transfer is considered immediate by the server and it occurs as soon as possible. However, this is required for scheduled transfers.

This is also returned in the server response when these methods are called. However, the value may have been adjusted by the server. For example, the server may adjust due date to comply with non-processing days. If a client sends a request to make a transfer on July 4 and July 4 happens to be a non-processing day, the due date in the response may be July 4 (because the server hasn't adjusted it yet), July 5 (because this server rolls dates forward), or some other date. For this reason, the DateDue should be inspected as well.

It may also be returned for each payment being synchronized (when the SynchronizeTransfers methods is called) only if it was specified in the original bank transfer request. These values should be inspected as well as might be different from their original values (for the same reason mentioned above).

Note: Immediate intrabank funds transfers cannot be canceled as they are already committed.

All input dates should be entered in the format specified by DateFormat. For example, if the DateFormat is set to "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" (default value), an input date should look like: 09/30/2009 12:00:00 AM.

This format specifies also how the returned dates are going to get parsed.


Posted date of the bank transfer being initiated, modified or synchronized.

This is the date the transfer actually happens (or happened). This is optional. Server response can contain either a DateProjected or a DatePosted but not both.

All input dates should be entered in the format specified by DateFormat. For example, if the DateFormat is set to "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" (default value), an input date should look like: 09/30/2009 12:00:00 AM.

This format specifies also how the returned dates are going to get parsed.


Transfer processing date.

The interpretation of this value depends on Status. This is date on which processing status last changed.

All input dates should be entered in the format specified by DateFormat. For example, if the DateFormat is set to "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" (default value), an input date should look like: 09/30/2009 12:00:00 AM.

This format specifies also how the returned dates are going to get parsed.


Projected date of the transfer.

This string gives the date the transfer is expected to take place. This is optional to be returned in the server response. Server response can contain either DateProjected or DatePosted, but not both.

All input dates should be entered in the format specified by DateFormat. For example, if the DateFormat is set to "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" (default value), an input date should look like: 09/30/2009 12:00:00 AM.

This format specifies also how the returned dates are going to get parsed.


Account number where the transfer (being initiated, modified or synchronized) is originating from.

This is required to be provided when initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called).

It is returned in the server response for each transfer being synchronized (when the SynchronizeTransfers method is called).

If FromAccountType is set to CreditCard, the FromAccountId is a credit card account number.


Checksum for the bank where money has to be withdrawn (international banks only).

This is optional to be provided when initiating or modifying a bank transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called).

The FromAccountKey is applicable for international banks only.


Type of account where the transfer is originating from.

This is required to be provided when initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called). If FromAccountType and ToAccountType are set to CreditCard, then the FromBankId and ToBankId are not required to be provided in the request.

This field uses the following values:

  • atChecking (0)
  • atSavings (1)
  • atMoneyMarket (2)
  • atLineOfCredit (3)
  • atCreditCard (4)


Number that identifies the bank where the transfer is originating from.

When initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called), and FromAccountType is set to a value different than CreditCard, the FromBankId is required to be provided in the request. Otherwise, it should not be set.

In intrabank transfers requests (transferring funds between two accounts at the same financial institution), the FromBankId represents the source and destination FI (in this case, this is the same as ToBankId and ToBankId should not be set).


Identifier for the bank where the transfer is originating from (international banks only).

This is optional to be provided when initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called).

The FromBranchId is applicable for international banks only, and if this applies, it can be provided in the request only if FromAccountType is set to a value different than CreditCard. Otherwise, it should not be set.


Server-assigned id of the bank transfer being initiated, modified or synchronized.

The Id uniquely identifies a transfer. This is assigned by the server when the transfer is initiated (when the TransferFunds method is called.

As a unique transfer identifier, the Id is required to be provided (as parameter) when a transfer modification or cancellation requests are submitted (i.e., when ModifyTransfer or CancelTransfer methods are called) for a scheduled transfer.

This is also required to be provided when submitting the same request types via the OFXBatch component (for each transfer that is going to be part of the batch).

It is also returned for each payment being synchronized when the SynchronizeTransfers method is called.


Processing status code of the bank transfer being initiated, modified, canceled or synchronized.

This is returned in the server response when the TransferFunds, ModifyTransfer, CancelTransfer and SynchronizeTransfers methods are called.

If the server provides this information, the possible values are:

Value Description
WILLPROCESSON Transfer will be processed on DateProcessed
POSTEDON Transfer was posted on DateProcessed
NOFUNDSON There were insufficient funds to make transfer on DateProcessed
CANCELEDON Transfer request was cancelled by the user
FAILEDON Unable to make transfer for unspecified reasons on DateProcessed


Account number where the bank transfer ((being initiated, modified or synchronized) is made to.

This is required to be provided when initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called).

It is returned in the server response for each transfer being synchronized (when the SynchronizeTransfers method is called).

If ToAccountType is set to CreditCard, the ToAccountId is a credit card account number.


Checksum for the bank where money has to be deposited to (international banks only).

This is optional to be provided when initiating or modifying a bank transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called).

The ToAccountKey is applicable for international banks only.


Type of account where money has to be deposited to.

This is required to be provided when initiating or modifying a bank transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called). If FromAccountType and ToAccountType are set to CreditCard, then the FromBankId and ToBankId are not required to be provided in the request.

This field uses the following values:

  • atChecking (0)
  • atSavings (1)
  • atMoneyMarket (2)
  • atLineOfCredit (3)
  • atCreditCard (4)


Number that identifies the bank where money has to be deposited to.

This is the bank id where the destination account is located. When initiating or modifying an interbank transfer (i.e., transferring funds between two accounts at different FIs) and ToAccountType is set to a value different than CreditCard, the ToBankId is required to be provided in the request. Otherwise, it should not be set.


Identifier for the bank where money has to be deposited to (international banks only).

This is optional to be provided when initiating or modifying a transfer (i.e., when TransferFunds or ModifyTransfer methods are called).

The ToBranchId is applicable for international banks only and if this applies, it can be provided in the request only if ToAccountType is set to a value different than CreditCard. Otherwise, it should not be set.


Transaction type of the bank transfer being synchronized.

Possible values and their meanings are as follows:

ADDED If the bank transfer being synchronized was a new transaction.
MODIFIED If the bank transfer being synchronized was a modify transaction.
CANCELED If the bank transfer being synchronized was a cancel transaction.


Public TransferDetail()

public TransferDetail();

Public TransferDetail(ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromBranchId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal FromAccountKey As String, ByVal ToBankId As String, ByVal ToBranchId As String, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToAccountKey As String, ByVal Amount As String, ByVal DateDue As String)

public TransferDetail(string fromBankId, string fromBranchId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string fromAccountKey, string toBankId, string toBranchId, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string toAccountKey, string amount, string dateDue);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromBranchId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal FromAccountKey As String, ByVal ToBankId As String, ByVal ToBranchId As String, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToAccountKey As String, ByVal Amount As String)

public TransferDetail(string fromBankId, string fromBranchId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string fromAccountKey, string toBankId, string toBranchId, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string toAccountKey, string amount);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal Id As String, ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToBankId As String, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal Amount As String, ByVal DateDue As String)

public TransferDetail(string id, string fromBankId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string toBankId, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string amount, string dateDue);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal Id As String, ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal Amount As String, ByVal DateDue As String)

public TransferDetail(string id, string fromBankId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string amount, string dateDue);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToBankId As String, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal Amount As String, ByVal DateDue As String)

public TransferDetail(string fromBankId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string toBankId, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string amount, string dateDue);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal Amount As String, ByVal DateDue As String)

public TransferDetail(string fromBankId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string amount, string dateDue);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToBankId As String, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal Amount As String)

public TransferDetail(string fromBankId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string toBankId, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string amount);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer, ByVal ToAccountId As String, ByVal ToAccountType As Integer, ByVal Amount As String)

public TransferDetail(string fromBankId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType, string toAccountId, int toAccountType, string amount);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal FromBankId As String, ByVal FromAccountId As String, ByVal FromAccountType As Integer)

public TransferDetail(string fromBankId, string fromAccountId, int fromAccountType);

Public TransferDetail(ByVal Id As String)

public TransferDetail(string id);

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