Shipping Integrator V5 - Online Help
Shipping Integrator V5
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Documents Property

Collection of information about each of the requested documents.


public DocumentInfoList getDocuments();
public void setDocuments(DocumentInfoList documents);


This collection contains information about the requested documents. Populate this collection to request specific documents such as labels, packing lists, etc. This must be set before calling GetShipmentDocuments. For example:

component.UPSAccount.Server = "";
component.UPSAccount.AccessKey = "Your Access Key";
component.UPSAccount.UserId = "User Id";
component.UPSAccount.Password = "Password";
component.UPSAccount.AccountNumber = "000000";

component.SenderContact.Company = "Developer Test 1";
component.SenderContact.Phone = "884530171";
component.SenderAddress.Address1 = "101 Developer Way";
component.SenderAddress.City = "Richmond";
component.SenderAddress.State = "VA";
component.SenderAddress.ZipCode = "23224";
component.SenderAddress.CountryCode = "US";

component.RecipientContact.Company = "Consignee Test 1";
component.RecipientAddress.Address1 = "1000 Consignee Street";
component.RecipientAddress.City = "Allanton";
component.RecipientAddress.State = "MO";
component.RecipientAddress.ZipCode = "63001";
component.RecipientAddress.CountryCode = "US";

component.Payor.PayorType = TPayorTypes.ptSender;
component.HandlingUnit = "SKD:1";

CommodityDetail item = new CommodityDetail();
item.Description = "LCD TVS";
item.FreightClass = "77.5";
item.Weight = "150";
item.FreightNMFC = "132680";
item.FreightNMFCSub = "02";
item.NumberOfPieces = 20;
item.Value = "100";


DocumentInfo label = new DocumentInfo();
label.FileName = "TestLabel.pdf";
label.PrintFormat = TFreightPrintFormats.fpfLaser;
label.PrintSize = TFreightPrintSizes.fpsSize8X11;
label.DocumentType = TFreightTypeCodes.ftcLabel;


Console.WriteLine("Total Charge: " + component.TotalCharge);
for (int i = 0; i < component.Charges.Count; i++)
	Console.WriteLine(component.Charges[i].ChargeType + ": " + component.Charges[i].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Billable Weight: " + component.BillableWeight);
Console.WriteLine("BOLID: " + component.BOLID);
Console.WriteLine("Shipment Number: " + component.ShipmentNumber);

Default Value

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