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Shipping Integrator V5
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USPSShipIntl Bean

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

Allows you to generate a USPS shipping label for any of USPS international services complete with addresses and barcode.




Generating a shipping label can be done by calling the GetPackageLabel method. You will have to specify the package information, USPS service to be used for shipping this package, origin and destination information, and any special services you want to associate the shipment (such as Hold For Pickup, Return Shipment, etc.), and any other specific information on international shipments.

This bean also allows you to request customs forms through the GetFormCN22 and GetFormCP72 methods.

To use this bean, you must have a USPS account. You should also have already obtained a UserId and Password uniquely assigned to your account by USPS.

This bean also includes Endicia support to print labels and postage through their web services. To use this service, you must have an Endicia AccountNumber. You should also have already obtained a UserId and Password uniquely assigned to your account by Endicia. The PostageProvider property must be set to ppEndicia to tell the bean to use the Endicia protocol.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

BarcodeNumberBarcode number required by Customs Service.
CertificateNumberCertificate number (if known or included in the package).
CommentsComments on the package being shipped.
CommoditiesItems being shipped inside this package.
ContentsDescription of items being shipped.
CountryOfOriginCountry where the goods originated.
CustomerIdUser-assigned number for internal use.
CustomsFormFileFilename where the customs form required to mail to destination country can be saved to (optional).
CustomsFormInstructionsImage of customs form instructions.
CustomsFormInstructionsFileFilename and location to save the CustomsFormInstructions to.
DeliveryTypeSender's selection of the type of delivery.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
HSTariffNumberHS Tariff Number that applies to the entire contents of the package being shipped.
ImageLayoutDetermines how the labels will be formatted for printing.
IndemnityCoverageIndicates the indemnity coverage for the package.
InsurancePolicyInsurance number, if known.
InvoiceNumberInvoice number if known or included in the package.
LabelImageTypeType of label image.
LicenseNumberImport License number if known, or included in package.
MailingLocationPostal Office Zip Code where the item will be mailed (if different from ZipCode ).
NonDeliveryOptionIndicates what to do with the package in case it is undeliverable.
NotesAdditional information returned by the USPS Server .
ObservationsAdditional mailing information based on country of destination.
PackagesA collection of packages contained in the shipment.
PostageProviderThe postage provider to use.
ProhibitionsList of items prohibited from mailing to the destination country.
ProxyA set of properties related to proxy access.
RecipientAddressIdentifies the recipient's address.
RecipientContactIdentifies the recipient's contact info.
RecipientCustomsReferenceCorresponds to the person's Customs Reference field that appears on the shipping label.
RegulationsAdditional regulations for shipping to the destination country.
RequiredCustomsFormsCustoms forms required to mail packages to destination country.
RestrictionsRestrictions on items being shipped based on country of destination.
SDRInsuredValueInsurance amount, if known.
SDRValueSpecial Drawing Right calculated on TotalValue .
SenderAddressIdentifies the sender's address.
SenderContactIdentifies the sender's contact info.
SenderCustomsReferenceCorresponds to the person's Customs Reference field that appears on the shipping label.
ServiceTypeThe mail service type when shipping to the CountryCode .
ShipDateDate package will be mailed.
ShipmentSpecialServicesContains the collection of special services offered by USPS on shipment level.
SSLAcceptServerCertInstructs the component to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate.
SSLCertThe certificate to be used during SSL negotiation.
SSLServerCertThe server certificate for the last established connection.
TimeoutA timeout for the component.
TotalValueTotal value of all items being shipped.
TransactionIdThe transaction Id.
USPSAccountLogin information for USPS.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

configSets or retrieves a configuration setting .
getFormCN22Retrieves Customs Form CN 22 providing customs barcode number, regulations, prohibitions, observations, restrictions, and image files of the customs forms required to ship to the destination country.
getFormCP72Retrieves Customs Form CP 72 providing customs barcode number, regulations, prohibitions, observations, restrictions, and image files of the customs forms required to ship to the destination country.
getPackageLabelGenerates a shipping label for the first package in the shipment.
resetResets the internal state of the component and all properties to their default values.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
NotificationNotification returned by the server upon successful request (if applicable).
SSLServerAuthenticationFired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
SSLStatusShows the progress of the secure connection.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the bean with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

RawRequestContains the complete request sent to USPS.
RawResponseContains the complete response returned by the USPS server.
XPathUsed to retrieve data at any place within the response.
RequesterIdThe Requester Id to be used for Endicia requests.
CertifyCertify/Test mode for label components.
ImageParametersFor future use.
LabelImageResolutionThe resolution of the label.
LabelImageRotationThe rotation of the label.
LabelSizeThe size of the label.
OverwriteDetermines whether label files will be overwritten.
EndiciaInsuranceTypeThe Insurance type when using Endicia.
EntryFacilityPostal facility where mail is entered.
POZipCodeZIP Code of Post Office.
EscapeEndiciaXMLWhether to escape XML special characters when using Endicia.
IncludePostageUsed to determine if the postage will be printed on the label.
SortTypeSort level for applicable mail classes.
RubberStamp1Customer defined data to be printed on label.
RubberStamp2Customer defined data to be printed on label.
RubberStamp3Customer defined data to be printed on label.
UseStealthUsed to determine if the postage price is printed on the label.
AddOnCountTotal number of AddOns.
PackageShippingLabelCount[i]Total number of labels and / or custom forms returned in the response for each package.
PackageShippingLabelIndex[i]Image of the shipping label return by the Server upon a successful ship response for each package.
AddOnTypesThe AddOn type to be requested.
AddOnType[i]Indicates the AddOn type.
AddOnDescription[i]Indicates the AddOn description.
AddOnAmount[i]Indicates the AddOn amount.
AddOnAggregate[i]Indicates the AddOn raw XML.
DeclaredValueThe amount to declare. transaction integrator Id. transaction identifier. label Url.
CommercialPriceIndicates whether the commercial price should be returned.
CustomsFormTypeThe customs form type of the label.
CustomsSignerThe name of the person certifying the customs information is correct.
EndiciaPrintConsolidatorLabelUsed to request Consolidator Services.
HoldForManifestHolds manifest record for inclusion in SCAN request.
PackageSize[i]Indicates the package reference type and value, that associates this package.
PackageReference[i]Indicates the package reference type and value, that associates this package.
OtherContentsDescription of the contents.
RecipientAddress3Recipient's address line 3.
RecipientAddress4Recipient's address line 4.
RecipientAPOFPOZipAPO/FPO ZIP code for Military Mail.
RecipientAPOFPOZip4APO/FPO ZIP4 code for Military Mail.
APOFPOServiceTypeAPO/FPO Service Type for Military Mail.
SenderUrbanizationThe Urbanization that the package is being shipped from.
UseInsuranceSpecifies whether or not to request insurance.
AltReturnAddress1Alternate return address 1.
AltReturnAddress2Alternate return address 2.
AltReturnAddress3Alternate return address 3.
AltReturnAddress4Alternate return address 4.
AltReturnAddress5Alternate return address 5.
AltReturnAddress6Alternate return address 6.
AltReturnCountryAlternate return country.
AcceptEncodingUsed to tell the server which types of content encodings the client supports.
AllowHTTPCompressionThis property enables HTTP compression for receiving data.
AllowIdenticalRedirectURLAllow redirects to the same URL.
AppendWhether to append data to LocalFile.
AuthorizationThe Authorization string to be sent to the server.
BytesTransferredContains the number of bytes transferred in the response data.
EncodeURLIf set to true the URL will be encoded by the component.
FollowRedirectsDetermines what happens when the server issues a redirect.
GetOn302RedirectIf set to true the component will perform a GET on the new location.
HTTPVersionThe version of HTTP used by the component.
IfModifiedSinceA date determining the maximum age of the desired document.
KeepAliveDetermines whether the HTTP connection is closed after completion of the request.
MaxRedirectAttemptsLimits the number of redirects that are followed in a request.
OtherHeadersOther headers as determined by the user (optional).
ProxyAuthorizationThe authorization string to be sent to the proxy server.
ProxyAuthSchemeThe authorization scheme to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPasswordA password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPortPort for the proxy server (default 80).
ProxyServerName or IP address of a proxy server (optional).
ProxyUserA user name if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
TransferredDataLimitThe maximum number of incoming bytes to be stored by the component.
TransferredHeadersThe full set of headers as received from the server.
UseChunkedEncodingEnables or Disables HTTP chunked encoding for transfers.
ChunkSizeSpecifies the chunk size in bytes when using chunked encoding.
UserAgentInformation about the user agent (browser).
KerberosSPNThe Service Principal Name for the Kerberos Domain Controller.
ConnectionTimeoutSets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection.
FirewallAutoDetectTells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
FirewallHostName or IP address of firewall (optional).
FirewallPasswordPassword to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
FirewallPortThe TCP port for the FirewallHost;.
FirewallTypeDetermines the type of firewall to connect through.
FirewallUserA user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
KeepAliveTimeThe inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent.
KeepAliveIntervalThe retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received.
LingerWhen set to True, connections are terminated gracefully.
LingerTimeTime in seconds to have the connection linger.
LocalHostThe name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe TCP port in the local host where the component binds.
MaxLineLengthThe maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.
MaxTransferRateThe transfer rate limit in bytes per second.
RecordLengthThe length of received data records.
TCPKeepAliveDetermines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled.
UseIPv6Whether to use IPv6.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
TLS12SignatureAlgorithmsDefines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseManagedSecurityAPI is True.
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLProviderThe name of the security provider to use.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
OpenSSLCADirThe path to a directory containing CA certificates.
OpenSSLCAFileName of the file containing the list of CA's trusted by your application.
OpenSSLCipherListA string that controls the ciphers to be used by SSL.
OpenSSLPrngSeedDataThe data to seed the pseudo random number generator (PRNG).
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
FirewallDataUsed to send extra data to the firewall.
InBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket.
OutBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

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Build 5.0.6240.0