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AddBlock Method

Adds a block to the blocks list that will be assembled to form a blob.


 int AddBlock(int iblockType, char* lpszid);


This method is used to add a block to Blocks to generate a list of blocks that will form a blob. Once the wanted list has been created, PutBlockList can be called to commit the specified blocks.

The possible blockType values are:

0 (btCommitted)Only the committed block list will be searched for the specified block id.
1 (btUncommitted)Only the uncommitted block list will be searched for the specified block id.
2 (btLatest)The uncommitted block list will be searched first for the specified block id. If found, this version is the latest and will be committed to the blob. If the block is not found in the uncommitted list, the committed list will be searched. If found in the committed list, the block will be committed to the blob.

By default, id will be Base64 encoded by the component when PutBlockList is called. Thus you will not need to encode/decode the id values yourself. EncodeBlockId can be set to false, to turn off the automatic encoding (thus all encoding/decoding must be handled manually). Prior to encoding, the string must be less than or equal to 64 bytes in size. Note for a given blob, all block IDs must be the same length.

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