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ListBlocks Method

List the blocks under the specified block blob.


 int ListBlocks(char* lpszblobName, int iblockListType);


This method will list the blocks that have been uploaded as part of the blob specified by blobName. All returned blocks will be stored within Blocks. The BlockList event will also fire for each block in the list.

There are two types of block lists maintained for a blob, Committed and Uncommitted. The committed block list contains a list of blocks that have been successfully committed using PutBlockList. The uncommitted block list contains a list of blocks that have been uploaded, using CreateBlock, but have not been committed.

blockListType allows you to specify which list you want return. The possible values are:

0 (Committed)Only the committed block list is retrieved.
1 (Uncommitted)Only the uncommitted block list is retrieved.
2 (All)Both the committed and uncommitted block lists are retrieved.

BlobSnapshot can be specified to retrieve a block list of a specific snapshot.

Optionally, LeaseId can be set in which case the operation will only be performed if the following two conditions are met;

  • The blob's lease is currently active.
  • The lease ID specified in the request matches that of the blob.

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