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Azure Integrator V2
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MergeEntity Method

Updates an existing entity within a table by merging new property values into the entity.


 int MergeEntity();


This method will attempt to update the entity properties specified by EntityProperties.

To perform an update first call GetEntity. You may then modify EntityProperties or add new properties with AddEntityProperty.

When performing the update, if the current ETag of the entity on the Azure server matches the value specified by IfMatch, the merge is performed. If they do not match the merge is not performed and the Azure service will return HTTP Error 412 (Precondition failed).

This design allows you to verify that no changes have been made to the entity since the time at which you stored the ETag value. This acts as way to guard against overwriting updates that occurred between the time you retrieved the entity and the time you call MergeEntity.

To perform an unconditional update leave IfMatch blank.

When merging the Azure service will only add or update the properties set in EntityProperties. Existing properties not included in EntityProperties will not be modified. Properties included in EntityProperties will be updated. Any new properties included in EntityProperties will be added.

Note: to remove a property you must use UpdateEntity.

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