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CreditCard Adapter

Properties   Configuration Settings  

The CreditCard Adapter is used to authorize a credit card charge.


The CreditCard Adapter allows you to use multiple Internet Payment Gateways through one property set and one adapter. This allows for easy migration from one gateway to another, as well as quick integration into applications or web services.

CreditCard Send Adapter

The CreditCard Send Adapter allows your BizTalk Server to securely perform credit card transactions without the need to redirect to a third-party site. All transactions are accomplished through a secure HTTPS Post to any supported gateway. To gain access to gateway services you must first contact a gateway vendor and set up an account. Necessary account and password detail will be supplied by the gateway.

In order to configure the adapter, you will need to select the Gateway. The adapter will automatically determine the URL for posting transactions, however you may override the default URL by directly setting the GatewayURL property. You must also supply, at the very least, your MerchantLogin. If your account requires a password, you should set that via the MerchantPassword property. Some gateways may also require that SSL be used, which can be set up by selecting an SSLCert for client authentication and a SSLAcceptServerCert for server authentication.

In order to perform a transaction, you must set the particulars at runtime by writing to the necessary message context properties. First and foremost, you must set the relevant card information, such as Number, ExpMonth, ExpYear, and CVVData. The adapter will attempt to automatically discover the type of card based on the Number, but you may directly set it via the CardType property.

Once you have set the card information, you must also set the customer information. This includes, but is not limited to, FirstName, LastName, and Address. Finally, you must set the details of the actual transaction, such as TransactionAmount and any desired description via TransactionDesc.

The message payload itself will not be used by the adapter. Only the message context properties are used by the adapter to authorize a transaction and provide the response. The message payload will be returned untouched after an authorization.

By setting the transaction details at runtime, you can use a single send configuration to manage all of your transactions under one merchant account with a particular gateway.

After the adapter has performed the transactions, the status will be returned via the various response properties, which can be read from the message context at runtime. These include TransactionApproved, ResponseApprovalCode, ResponseAVS, ResponseCode, ResponseCVV2 and ResponseInvoiceNumber. The complete response is stored in ResponseData, with a human-readable message in ResponseText. If the gateway returns an internal identifier for the transaction, it will be stored in ResponseTransactionId.

Please refer to the section on adapter configuration for a description of how to configure receive locations and send ports for this adapter.

Sender Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the sender adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthCodeAuthorization code from a previous transaction.
CardContains the customer's credit card information.
CustomerA set of properties describing the Customer for the credit card transaction.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
GatewayGateway to process transactions.
GatewayURLDefault URL for a specific Gateway .
HTTPProxyA set of properties related to proxy access.
InvoiceNumberMerchant-generated invoice number.
MaxPersistentConnectionsThe maximum number of simultaneous persistent connections when sending.
MaxThreadsThe maximum number of threads that the adapter may consume.
MaxTransmissionBatchSizeThe maximum number of messages that can be sent in a single batch.
MerchantLoginMerchant's Gateway login.
MerchantPasswordMerchant's Gateway password.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the adapter.
ResponseApprovalCodeContains an authorization code when a transaction has been approved.
ResponseAVSContains the Address Verification System result code.
ResponseCodeAdditional error code returned by some gateways.
ResponseCVV2Contains the returned CVV2 result code if it was requested.
ResponseDataThe entire response returned from the gateway processor.
ResponseErrorTextAdditional error description returned by some gateways.
ResponseInvoiceNumberInvoice number submitted in authorization request (if applicable).
ResponseProcessorCodeResponse code from the underlying processor.
ResponseTextText information that describes each response code.
ResponseTransactionIdContains the Visa Transaction Identifier or MasterCard Reference Number.
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the adapter runtime license key.
SpecialFieldsA set of properties specific to a particular Gateway .
SSLAcceptServerCertInstructs the adapter to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
TimeoutA timeout for the adapter.
TransactionAmountPurchase amount for an authorization transaction.
TransactionApprovedIndicates the status of the last transaction.
TransactionDescDescription of goods purchased.
TransactionIdTransaction Id used for Capture, Credit, and Void transactions.
TransactionTypeSpecifies the type of transaction to process.
TransmitBatchModeHow the transmitter processes batches.
TransportLogTells the adapter where and how to report information about its operations.
URIThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
UseManagedSecurityAPITells the adapter whether or not to use the system security libraries or a managed implementation.

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