/n software SSIS Tasks V4 - Online Help
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/n software SSIS Tasks V4
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DirList Property

String denoting the name of the variable which contains the last directory listing entries.

Data Type


Default Value



This property denotes a variable name which contains the collection of directory listings returned from the server when the Operation property has been set to opListDirectory. The collection is made up of entries for each listing in the current directory, specified by the RemotePath property.

The variable is in the form of a datatable. The table's rows represent a directory listing, and the columns represent a different property of the listing. The columns of the datatable are listed below:

(0) FileNameThe name of the file being listed.
(1) FileSizeThe size of the file.
(2) FileTimeThe creation date of the file. In Unix systems the date is given in two types of formats: If the date is in the last 12 months the exact time is specified and the year is omitted. Otherwise only the date and the year but not hours or minutes are given.
(3) IsDirDenotes whether the listing is a directory or a file.
(4) ListingThe filename, and extended file information.

NOTE: If this property is set to a valid ADO object when the Operation property is set to ReceiveFiles, the task will populate this table with a directory listing of all the files matching the FileMask on the server. The columns of this datatable are listed below:

(0) ReceivedFileNameThe name of the received file.
(1) ReceivedFileSizeThe size of the file.
(2) ReceivedFileDateThe creation date of the file. In Unix systems the date is given in two types of formats: If the date is in the last 12 months the exact time is specified and the year is omitted. Otherwise only the date and the year but not hours or minutes are given.
(3) ReceivedFileSSHUserThe user name used to by the SFTP task when downloading the remote file.

This property is read-only.

This property is not available in the Sender.

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