/n software Adapters for BizTalk
/n software Adapters for BizTalk
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RNIF Adapter

Properties   Configuration Settings  

The RNIF Adapter provides a way to send and receive RosettaNet messages.


The RNIF Adapter can be used to send and receive RosettaNet messages. Encryption and Signing are supported, as well a variety of signature algorithms including SHA-256.

RNIF Send Adapter

The RNIF Send Adapter may be used to send RosettaNet messages to a partner's server. The adapter of properties may be configured before receiving messages. Some of the basic properties that should be set are:

The body of the BizTalk message submitted to the adapter will be used as the ServiceContent.

The adapter may be used in a Solicit Response Send Port. The response received from the server will be present in the body of the BizTalk message returned by the adapter.

The following properties are used to encrypt/sign the outgoing message and verify the signature on a received receipt.

The RNIF adapter only supports processing synchronous responses. Asynchronous responses cannot be processed.

RNIF Receive Adapter

The RNIF Receive Adapter is an isolated adapter which requires the use of a HTTP endpoint hosted in IIS to receive requests from your partner. Included in the demos folder of the installation is a "aspx-cs" folder with a "rnifserver.aspx" file. This file contains the necessary logic to receive requests and pass them to the RNIF receive location configured from the BizTalk Administration Console.

The HTTP endpoint is created during setup by default. Confirm that an application exists in IIS that has a physical path pointing to the "aspx-cs" demo directory on disk.

One receive location must be configured for each partner from which RosettaNet messages will be received. A variety of properties may be configured before receiving messages. Some of the basic properties that should be set are:

If the message is signed and/or encrypted, or if a signed receipt will be sent back in response the following properties are applicable:

Note that the adapter will automatically send a receipt after processing the data. This may be disabled by setting SendReceipt to False.

At this time only receipts may be sent in response to received messages. Responding with action messages is not supported.

Receiver Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the receiver adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ActionCodeThe code for this action.
ActionMessageStandardNameThe name of the standard used to create this action.
ActionMessageStandardVersionThe version of the standard used to create this action.
AsyncRespURLThe URL to which the asynchronous response is posted.
AttachmentOutputPathSpecifies a path on disk to which attachments will be saved.
BusinessActivityThis property denotes the type of business activity.
CertificateThe digital id to be used for decryption and signing.
DeliveryHeaderXMLThe complete XML data from the Delivery Header.
EncryptionAlgorithmThe algorithm used to encrypt the EDI data.
EncryptionTypeThe encryption type for RNIF 2.0.
ErrorThresholdThe maximum number of errors before the adapter shuts down.
FromRoleThe business role of the entity that originated this message.
FromServiceThe service that originated this message.
GlobalUsageCodeA universal code describing basic usage for this message.
MaxBatchSizeThe maximum size, in MB, of the current batch (0 indicates no limit).
MaxFileCountThe maximum number of files in the current batch (0 indicates no limit).
MaxFileSizeThe maximum size, in MB, of a file in the current batch (0 indicates no limit).
MaxThreadsThe maximum number of threads that the adapter may consume.
MessageReceiverIdIdentity of the entity receiving this message.
MessageReceiverLocationLocation of the entity receiving this message.
MessageSenderIdIdentity of the entity that sent this message.
MessageSenderLocationLocation of the entity that sent this message.
MessageTrackingIdUnique value that identifies this message.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the adapter.
PartnerIdIdentity of the partner.
PartnerKnownWhether or not the partner is known.
PartnerLocationLocation of the partner.
PartnerPIPBindingIdThe partner-defined PIP payload binding ID.
PartnerURLA URL to which replies must be sent if the partner is unknown.
PIPCodeRosettaNet PIP code of this message.
PIPInstanceIdThe Id of this PIP instance.
PIPVersionRosettaNet PIP version of this message.
PollingIntervalThe amount of time, in seconds, between download attempts.
PreambleHeaderXMLThe complete XML data from the Preamble Header.
RecipientCertThe public certificate of the recipient used for encryption.
RequeueEndpointsWhether to requeue receive endpoints if the polling interval has not been reached.
RNIFSiteURLThe path to the website hosting the RNIF adapter.
SecureTransportRequiredIndicates that security is required when forwarding this message.
ServiceHeaderXMLThe complete XML data from the Service Header.
SignatureAlgorithmSignature algorithm to be used in outgoing messages.
SignerCertThe public certificate used to verify signed requests.
SignReceiptWhether or not to sign the receipt.
SSLAcceptServerCertFor sending HTTPS requests, a server certificate to unconditionally accept.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
StandardNameThe name of the standard used to create this message.
StandardVersionThe version of the standard used to create this message.
TimeoutA timeout for the adapter.
ToRoleThe role of the entity receiving this message.
ToServiceThe service for which this message is bound.
TransportLogTells the adapter where and how to report information about its operations.
URIThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location.

Sender Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the sender adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ActionCodeThe code for this action.
ActionMessageWhether or not this message is an action message.
ActionMessageStandardNameThe name of the standard used to create this action.
ActionMessageStandardVersionThe version of the standard used to create this action.
BusinessActivityThis property denotes the type of business activity.
CertificateThe digital id to be used for decryption and signing.
DeliveryHeaderXMLThe complete XML data from the Delivery Header.
EncryptionAlgorithmThe algorithm used to encrypt the EDI data.
EncryptionTypeThe encryption type for RNIF 2.0.
FromRoleThe business role of the entity that originated this message.
FromServiceThe service that originated this message.
GlobalUsageCodeA universal code describing basic usage for this message.
MaxPersistentConnectionsThe maximum number of simultaneous persistent connections when sending.
MaxThreadsThe maximum number of threads that the adapter may consume.
MaxTransmissionBatchSizeThe maximum number of messages that can be sent in a single batch.
MessageDateTimeThe time at which this message was sent.
MessageReceiverIdIdentity of the entity receiving this message.
MessageReceiverLocationLocation of the entity receiving this message.
MessageSenderIdIdentity of the entity that sent this message.
MessageSenderLocationLocation of the entity that sent this message.
MessageTrackingIdUnique value that identifies this message.
OriginalActionCodeThe action code of the original message.
OriginalMessageStandardNameThe name of the standard used to create the original message.
OriginalMessageStandardVersionThe version of the standard used to create the original message.
OriginalMessageTrackingIdTracking identifier for the original message.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the adapter.
PartnerIdIdentity of the partner.
PartnerKnownWhether or not the partner is known.
PartnerLocationLocation of the partner.
PartnerPIPBindingIdThe partner-defined PIP payload binding ID.
PartnerURLA URL to which replies must be sent if the partner is unknown.
PIPCodeRosettaNet PIP code of this message.
PIPInstanceIdThe Id of this PIP instance.
PIPVersionRosettaNet PIP version of this message.
PreambleHeaderXMLThe complete XML data from the Preamble Header.
ReceiptSignerCertThe public certificate used to verify signed responses.
RecipientCertThe public certificate of the recipient used for encryption.
ReplyHeadersThis property is used to retrieve headers from synchronous reply messages.
ReplyMessageWhether or not this message is a reply to another message.
ResponseTypeRequested response type. Available only in RNIF 2.0.
RNIFVersionThe RNIF Standard Version used to generate this message.
SecureTransportRequiredIndicates that security is required when forwarding this message.
ServiceHeaderXMLThe complete XML data from the Service Header.
SignatureAlgorithmSignature algorithm to be used in outgoing messages.
SSLAcceptServerCertFor sending HTTPS requests, a server certificate to unconditionally accept.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
StandardNameThe name of the standard used to create this message.
StandardVersionThe version of the standard used to create this message.
TimeoutA timeout for the adapter.
ToRoleThe role of the entity receiving this message.
ToServiceThe service for which this message is bound.
TransmitBatchModeHow the transmitter processes batches.
TransportLogTells the adapter where and how to report information about its operations.
URIThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the send port or receive location.
URLThe URL to which requests are sent.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the adapter with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ApplyBase64EncodingAllows you to control the base64 encoding of the message body when signing the message.
FromPartnerClassificationCodeCode identifying the sending partner's function in the supply chain.
GlobalProcessCodeBusiness process identifier.
SendReceiptWhether to send a receipt automatically.
ToPartnerClassificationCodeCode identifying the receiving partner's function in the supply chain.
TransactionCodeThe service transaction code.
TransactionIdA unique transaction Id.
ExpectedVersionThe RNIF document version that the RNIFReceiver is expecting to receive.
AuthSchemeThe authorization scheme to be used when server authorization is to be performed.
AuthorizationThe Authorization string to be sent to the server.
UserA user name if authentication is to be used.
PasswordA password if authentication is to be used.
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLIncludeCertChainWhether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
SSLEnabledCipherSuitesThe cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.
TLS12SignatureAlgorithmsDefines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True.
TLSNamedGroupsThe supported (EC)DHE groups.
TLS13SignatureAlgorithmsThe allowed certificate signature algorithms.
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
UseInternalSecurityAPITells the adapter whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

Copyright (c) 2020 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Adapters for BizTalk - Version 16.0 [Build 7355]