/n software Connectors for MuleSoft
/n software Connectors for MuleSoft
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Log Type

A log where the connector will record information about its operations.


This describes how and where the connector will record information describing its execution.



This field describes the location where the logging information is to be written.

If the EventLog LogType has been chosen, this field must contain the name of the Event Log to which the information should be written. The default value for this field is "Application". If a value other than "Application" is set the computer must be restarted for the change to take effect. Note that the same event log must be used for all send ports and receive locations that use the same adapter.

If the File LogType has been chosen, this field must contain the location of the file to write logging information to on the file system.

The connector also supports logging to files based on the current date and time. This allows for log files to be organized by days, months, or other intervals as specified. When specifying a log filename include a valid .NET date and time format string within the < and > characters. For instance C:\logs\sftp_<yyyyMMdd>.log or C:\logs\as2_<yyyyMMdd>T<hhmm>.log.


This field controls what information the connector logs. The possible values have the following affect on the connector's behavior:

VerboseThe connector will report all information regarding the transport.
Info The connector will report all major operations, as well as all warnings and errors.
WarningThe connector will report any conditions that could result in unpredictable behavior as well as errors.
ErrorThe connector will report all errors that prevent normal operations from completing.
FatalThe connector will report only serious errors that cause the connector to completely stop functioning.


This property controls where the connector will log the information. The possible values have the following affect on the connector's behavior:

NoneThe connector will not report any logging information.
EventLogThe connector will report all logging information to the event log. The specific event log must be defined in the Location field when this type is selected.
FileThe connector will report all logging information to a file. The desired file must be specified in the Location field when this type has been selected.


Constructors are only relevant when configuring adapters in orchestrations.

public Log();
public Log(LogTypes logType, string location, LogModes logMode);

Copyright (c) 2019 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Connectors for MuleSoft - Version 16.0 [Build 7240]