/n software Tasks for SSIS
/n software Tasks for SSIS
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HTTP Properties

Receiver Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the receiver task with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthorizationThe Authorization string to be sent to the server.
AuthSchemeThe authorization scheme to be used when server authorization is to be performed.
ContentTypeDefines the Content-Type header in the request.
CookiesThe cookies to be sent in the HTTP request.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
FollowRedirectsDetermines what happens when the server issues a redirect.
HTTPMethodThe HTTP method used for the request.
HTTPProxyA set of properties related to proxy access.
HTTPVersionThe HTTP version to use.
LocalFileThe path to a local file for download.
LogFileThe file to write logging information to at runtime.
LogModeWhat information gets logged during task execution.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the task.
OtherHeadersOther headers as determined by the user.
OverwriteWhether or not the task should overwrite the output file.
PasswordA password if authentication is to be used.
PostDataThe data to be posted to the server.
RequestParamsParameters to add to the POST or PUT request.
ResponseInfoString denoting the name of the variable which contains the last server response.
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the task runtime license key.
SSLAcceptServerCertInstructs the task to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate.
SSLAcceptServerCertAcceptAnyTells the task to accept any server certificate.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
TimeoutA timeout for the task.
URLThe URL to which the request is made.
UserA user name if authentication is to be used.

Sender Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the sender task with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AttachedFileA file to include in the POST data.
AuthorizationThe Authorization string to be sent to the server.
AuthSchemeThe authorization scheme to be used when server authorization is to be performed.
ContentTypeDefines the Content-Type header in the request.
CookiesThe cookies to be sent in the HTTP request.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
FollowRedirectsDetermines what happens when the server issues a redirect.
HTTPMethodThe HTTP method used for the request.
HTTPProxyA set of properties related to proxy access.
HTTPVersionThe HTTP version to use.
LocalFileThe path to a local file for download.
LogFileThe file to write logging information to at runtime.
LogModeWhat information gets logged during task execution.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the task.
OtherHeadersOther headers as determined by the user.
OverwriteWhether or not the task should overwrite the output file.
PasswordA password if authentication is to be used.
PostDataThe data to be posted to the server.
RequestParamsParameters to add to the POST or PUT request.
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the task runtime license key.
SSLAcceptServerCertInstructs the task to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate.
SSLAcceptServerCertAcceptAnyTells the task to accept any server certificate.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
StatusLineThe first line of the last server response.
TimeoutA timeout for the task.
TransferredDataThe body of the HTTP response.
TransferredHeadersThe full set of headers as received from the server.
URLThe URL to which the request is made.
UserA user name if authentication is to be used.

Copyright (c) 2019 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Tasks for SSIS - Version 16.0 [Build 7240]