/n software Tasks for SSIS
/n software Tasks for SSIS
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PGPProviderType Property

The PGP provider to use.

Data Type


Possible Values

External (0)
Internal (1)

Default Value



This property specifies which PGP provider is used. By default property is set to ptInternal and all cryptographic operations will be performed by the task directly using an internal implementation. In this case PGPProvider is not used.

If set to ptExternal the task will rely on the an external provider such as GnuPG which is accessed through the interface DLL specified by PGPProvider.

External Provider Implementation Notes

When PGPProviderType is set to External the task uses the provider pattern to interface with external cryptography libraries. An OpenPGP provider is a simple module that allows the task to offload OpenPGP operations to the OpenPGP software of your choice. The interface is designed to be generic in its ability to include various OpenPGP software. We include an OpenPGP provider implementation for GnuPG which may be used as a reference to implement other providers.

An OpenPGP provider is simply a class called "nsoftwarePGPProvider" that should have the following methods. The task uses reflection to access the methods of the provider.

    public void SetParam(string name,string value);
    public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] data);
    public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] data);
    public byte[] Sign(byte[] data);
    public byte[] EncryptAndSign(byte[] data);

Copyright (c) 2019 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Tasks for SSIS - Version 16.0 [Build 7240]