/n software Connectors for MuleSoft

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AS4Web Connector

Properties   Configuration Settings  

The AS4Web Component adds AS4 receive functionality to MuleSoft.


The AS4Web Connector supports receiving files into BizTalk. Using a simple application-like design, the connector allows you to easily incorporate secure EDI (EDI-INT) exchange into your current e-Business process architecture.

AS4Web Receive Connector

The AS4Web Receive Connector handles incoming push requests (accepts files sent by your partner to you). The AS4Web Receive Connector requires another entity to listen for incoming HTTP requests and to send responses back to the client. An HTTP Listener may be used in conjunction with the AS4Web Receive Connector to create a fully-functional AS4Web server.

In order to use the AS4Web Receive Connector, you must set the TradingPartner and ReceivingPartner properties. It is recommended that you set an MDNSigningCert in order to provide non-repudiation for your AS2 response.

To decrypt incoming messages set DecryptionCert to your private key. To verify the signature of incoming message set SignerCert to your partner's public certificate. To sign receipts sent back to you partner set SigningCert. If a receipt should be sent, set SendReceipt to Yes.

Once the incoming AS4 request has been parsed and verified, the files are submitted to your flow as individual Mule events. Upon successful submission, the connector will generate a receipt as necessary.

Connector Attributes

Aside from generating the receipt, when AS4Web connector finishes processing it will also produce a group of AS4 attributes. AS4RecAttributes is a special attribute consisting of a collection of EDIData entities from the request.

Each item in the collection has its own set of attributes such as EDIProperties, EDISchemaLocation, EDISchemaNamespace, EDISchemaVersion, EDIType and Output. The 'For Each' Scope will allow you to iterate through the collection of EDIData entities and query these attributes. The sample XML configuration is as follows:

		<foreach collection="#[attributes.AS4RecAttributes]">
			<logger  message="#[payload.AS4FromId]"/>

HTTP Listener Configuration

In a typical scenario a HTTP listener is used to receive the original request and send the response because the connector does not have a webserver of its own. The connector will process the request and generate the response, but will rely on the HTTP Listener to relay the response back to the client. In order to configure the HTTP Listener to relay the response to the client, follow the below steps.

In the Mule HTTP Listener's Responses section set the Body to #[attributes.ResponseBody]. Then, add a new header with value 'Content-Type' and value attributes.ResponseHeaders.'Content-Type'.

The corresponding Configuration XML may look like:

<http:response >
				<http:body ><![CDATA[#[attributes.ResponseBody]]]></http:body>
				<http:headers ><![CDATA[#[output applicaton/java
	"Content-Type" : attributes.ResponseHeaders.'Content-Type'

Receiver Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the receiver connector with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AgreementRefThe agreement reference.
AS4FromIdThe Id of the party. This value is required.
AS4FromIdTypeThe optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.
AS4FromRoleThis field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.
AS4ToIdThe Id of the party. This value is required.
AS4ToIdTypeThe optional type of the Id. If specified this value should be the domain to which the Id belongs.
AS4ToRoleThis field specifies the role of the party. This may be any value agreed upon by the trading partners.
ConversationIdThe Conversation Id of the message.
DecryptionCertThe certificate with private key used to decrypt.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
HTTPProxyA set of properties related to proxy access.
LogDirectoryThe path to a directory for logging.
LogFileThe file to write logging information to at runtime.
LogModeWhat information gets logged during component execution.
LogTypeHow information gets logged during component execution.
MessageIdThe unique Id of the message.
MessagePropertiesA collection of message properties.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the component.
ProfileThe AS4 profile.
ReceiptContentThe content of the receipt.
ReceiptRefToMessageIdThe Message Id to which this receipt applies.
ReceivingPartnerThe identity of AS4 receiving entity.
RequestHeadersThe headers included in the AS4 request.
ResponseBodyThe response body to be sent to the client.
ResponseHeadersA collection of resposne headers.
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the component runtime license key.
SendReceiptWhether to send a receipt.
ServiceThe service which acts on the message.
ServiceActionThe action within a service that acts on the message.
ServiceTypeThe type of service.
SignatureAlgorithmSignature algorithm to be used in the message.
SignerCertThe public signing certificate of the partner.
SigningCertThe certificate used to sign the outgoing AS4 message.
SSLAcceptServerCertFor sending HTTPS requests, a server certificate to unconditionally accept.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
TempPathA temporary local directory where data can be stored before the component processes it.
TimeoutA timeout for the component.
TokenPasswordThe password used in UsernameToken authentication.
TokenUserThe user used in UsernameToken authentication.
TradingPartnerThe trading partner that will be communicating with this receive location.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the connector with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AgreementRefPModeAgreementRef PMode of message.
AgreementRefTypeThe type of AgreementRef.
AllowWarningsWhether warnings are interpreted as fatal errors.
AttachXMLFilesWhether to send XML files as attachments or within the SOAP body.
CloseStreamAfterProcessingWhether to close the input or output stream after processing.
CompressXMLPayloadsWhether to compress XML data.
ContentTransferEncodingThe content encoding of the payload data.
DetectDuplicatesWhether to detect duplicate messages when receiving.
EBPrefixSpecifies the prefix to use for messaging.
EDIDataPartId[i]Specified the part Id at the given index.
EncryptionSecurityTokenFormatThe format to use for the security token when encryption.
FilenamePropertyDefines a part property to hold the filename.
ForceSigningCertWhether to force only the SigningCert to be used for signing.
FromId[i]The Id of the party specified by AS4From.
FromIdCountThe number of Ids for the party specified by AS4From.
FromIdType[i]The Id type of the party specified by AS4From.
IdRightA custom Id for the right side of the MessageId.
KeyEncryptionAlgorithmThe algorithm used to encrypt the key.
LogLevelThe level of information to log.
LogOptionsThe information to be written to log files.
MessageTypeIndicates the type of message received.
NormalizeIssuerSubjectWhether to normalize the certificate subject within the X509Data element.
OAEPMGF1HashAlgorithmThe MGF1 hash algorithm used when encrypting a key.
OAEPParamsThe hex encoded OAEP parameters to be used when encrypting a key.
OAEPRSAHashAlgorithmThe RSA hash algorithm used when encrypting a key.
ReceiptURLThe URL to which receipts are sent.
ReferenceHashAlgorithmThe hash algorithm used to has the data specified in the reference of a signature.
RequireEncryptionWhether encryption is required when processing received messages.
RequireSignatureWhether a signature is required when processing received messages.
ResponseFileA file from which to read the response.
SignerCACertThe CA certificates that issued the signer certificate.
SigningSecurityTokenFormatThe format to use for the security token when signing.
TempPathWhere temporary files are optionally written.
ToId[i]The Id of the party specified by AS4To.
ToIdCountThe number of Ids for the party specified by AS4To.
ToIdType[i]The Id type of the party specified by AS4To.
TokenPasswordTypeThe password type used in UsernameToken authentication.
TransformReceiptWhether to canonicalize the received receipt.
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledCipherSuitesThe cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLIncludeCertChainWhether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
TLS12SignatureAlgorithmsDefines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True.
TLS12SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for ECC.
TLS13KeyShareGroupsThe groups for which to pregenerate key shares.
TLS13SignatureAlgorithmsThe allowed certificate signature algorithms.
TLS13SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange.
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
UseInternalSecurityAPITells the component whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Connectors for MuleSoft - Version 20.0 [Build 8318]