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IP*Works! Encrypt V9
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Encrypt Method

Encrypts the XML.


Public Sub Encrypt()
public void Encrypt();


This method encrypts the specified XML.

To begin first specify a XML document by calling SetInputStream or setting InputFile, or InputXML.

The EncryptedDataDetails property specify the XML element to encrypt. By default the entire XML document is encrypted.

The SymmetricKey property specifies the key which will be used to encrypt the data.

If the RecipientCert property is set, then the SymmetricKey will be encrypted and included in the encrypted data. This allows for the recipient to decrypt the key, with their certificate. Encrypting the symmetric key is also referred to as using a session key. The benefit of using certificate to encrypt and decrypt a session key (SymmetricKey) is that knowledge of the key value is not needed ahead of time to process the encrypted data. Note that if specified, RecipientCert MUST have a RSA key, not a DSA key.

If the RecipientCert property is not set, then the recipient must know the value of SymmetricKey before decrypting the XML. The KeyName setting may be set to provide a key identifier to the recipient.

Optionally set EncryptingAlgorithm, and then call Encrypt to encrypt the XML.

The following properties are applicable when calling this method:

Input and Output Properties

The component will determine the source and destination of the input and output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the input properties are checked is as follows:

When a valid source is found the search stops. The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:
  • SetOutputStream
  • OutputFile
  • OutputXML: The output data is written to this property if no other destination is specified.

NOTE: This method has a corresponding asynchronous version (EncryptAsync) for use in the WinRT environment.

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Build 9.0.6240.0