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IP*Works! SSH V9
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SCP Component

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The SCP component can be used to transfer files to and from SSH servers using the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).




The SCP component is the SSH-enabled equivalent of the IP*Works! RCP component. The main difference is the introduction of a set of new properties and events that deal with SSH security. The SSHHost and SSHPort properties specify the SSH server to use. The SSHUser and SSHPassword properties allow the client to authenticate itself with the server. The SSHServerAuthentication event and/or SSHAcceptServerHostKey property allow you to check the server identity. Finally, the SSHStatus event provides information about the SSH handshake.

The SCP component implements a standard SCP File Transfer client.

The first step in using the component is specifying the SSHHost, SSHUser and SSHPassword. The file to upload to or download from is given by the RemoteFile property. The file to download to or upload from is specified by LocalFile.

If LocalFile is set to something other than an empty string, then files are received in LocalFile, otherwise the data is received through the Transfer event. StartTransfer and EndTransfer are fired at the beginning and end of transmission.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConnectedTriggers a connection or disconnection.
FilePermissionsThe file permissions for the RemoteFile .
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
LocalFileThe path to a local file for download/upload. If the file exists, it is overwritten.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe TCP port in the local host where IPPort binds.
OverwriteWhether or not the component should overwrite files during transfer.
RemoteFileThe name of the remote file for uploading, downloading, etc.
RemotePathThe remote path on the server.
SSHAcceptServerHostKeyInstructs the component to accept the server host key that matches the supplied key.
SSHAuthModeThe authentication method to be used the component when calling SSHLogon .
SSHCertA certificate to be used for authenticating the SSHUser .
SSHCompressionAlgorithmsA comma-separated list containing all allowable compression algorithms.
SSHEncryptionAlgorithmsA comma-separated list containing all allowable compression algorithms.
SSHHostThe address of the SSH host.
SSHPasswordThe password for SSH password-based authentication.
SSHPortThe port on the SSH server where the SSH service is running; by default, 22.
SSHUserThe username for SSH authentication.
TimeoutA timeout for the component.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting .
DecodePacketDecodes a hex-encoded SSH packet.
DoEventsProcesses events from the internal message queue.
DownloadDownload a RemoteFile from an SCP server.
EncodePacketHex encodes an SSH packet.
GetSSHParamUsed to read a field from an SSH packet's payload.
GetSSHParamBytesUsed to read a field from an SSH packet's payload.
InterruptInterrupt the current method.
SetDownloadStreamSets the stream to which the downloaded data from the server will be written.
SetSSHParamUsed to write a field to the end of a payload.
SetUploadStreamSets the stream from which the component will read data to upload to the server.
SSHLogoffLogoff from the SSH server.
SSHLogonLogon to the SSHHost using the current SSHUser and SSHPassword .
UploadUpload a file specified by LocalFile to an SCP server.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ConnectedFired immediately after a connection completes (or fails).
ConnectionStatusFired to indicate changes in connection state.
DisconnectedFired when a connection is closed.
EndTransferFired when a file completes downloading/uploading.
ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
SSHCustomAuthFired when the component is doing custom authentication.
SSHKeyboardInteractiveFired when the component receives a request for user input from the server.
SSHServerAuthenticationFired after the server presents its public key to the client.
SSHStatusShows the progress of the secure connection.
StartTransferFired when a file starts downloading/uploading.
TransferFired during file download/upload.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

RecursiveModeIf set to true the component will recursively upload or download files.
DirectoryPermissionsThe permissions of folders created on the remote host.
PreserveFileTimePreserves the file's modified time during transfer.
LastAccessedTimeThe last accessed time of the remote file.
LastModifiedTimeThe last modified time of the remote file.
ServerResponseWindowThe time to wait for a server response in milliseconds.
ClientSSHVersionStringThe SSH version string used by the component.
SignedSSHCertThe CA signed client public key used when authenticating.
SSHAcceptServerCAKeyThe CA public key that signed the server's host key.
SSHAcceptAnyServerHostKeyIf set the component will accept any key presented by the server.
SSHAcceptServerHostKeyFingerPrintThe fingerprint of the server key to accept.
SSHKeyExchangeAlgorithmsSpecifies the supported key exchange algorithms.
SSHMacAlgorithmsSpecifies the supported Mac algorithms.
SSHKeyRenegotiateCauses the component to renegotiate the SSH keys.
KeyRenegotiationThresholdSets the threshold for the SSH Key Renegotiation.
KerberosRealmThe fully qualified domain name of the Kerberos Realm to use for GSSAPI authentication.
KerberosDelegationIf true, asks for credentials with delegation enabled during authentication.
KerberosSPNThe Kerberos Service Principal Name of the SSH host.
LogSSHPacketsIf true, detailed SSH packet logging is performed.
MaxPacketSizeThe maximum packet size of the channel, in bytes.
MaxWindowSizeThe maximum window size allowed for the channel, in bytes.
PreferredDHGroupBitsThe size (in bits) of the preferred modulus (p) to request from the server.
ConnectionTimeoutSets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection.
FirewallAutoDetectTells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
FirewallHostName or IP address of firewall (optional).
FirewallPasswordPassword to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
FirewallPortThe TCP port for the FirewallHost;.
FirewallTypeDetermines the type of firewall to connect through.
FirewallUserA user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
KeepAliveTimeThe inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent.
KeepAliveIntervalThe retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received.
LingerWhen set to True, connections are terminated gracefully.
LingerTimeTime in seconds to have the connection linger.
LocalHostThe name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe TCP port in the local host where the component binds.
MaxLineLengthThe maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.
MaxTransferRateThe transfer rate limit in bytes per second.
RecordLengthThe length of received data records.
TCPKeepAliveDetermines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled.
UseIPv6Whether to use IPv6.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
FirewallDataUsed to send extra data to the firewall.
InBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket.
OutBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.

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Build 9.0.6240.0