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IP*Works! SSH V9
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Transfer Event

Fired during file download/upload.


Public Event OnTransfer As OnTransferHandler
public event OnTransferHandler OnTransfer;

public delegate void OnTransferHandler(object sender, SftpTransferEventArgs e);

class SftpTransferEventArgs : EventArgs {
  int Direction {get;}
  string LocalFile {get;}
  string RemoteFile {get;}
  long BytesTransferred {get;}
  int PercentDone {get;}
  string Text {get;}  byte[] TextB {get;}
  bool Cancel {get; set;}


One or more Transfer events are fired during file transfer. The BytesTransferred parameter shows the number of bytes transferred since the beginning of the transfer.

Text contains the portion of the file data being delivered.

The Direction parameter shows whether the client (0) or the server (1) is sending the data.

LocalFile identifies the local file. RemoteFile is the remote file.

The PercentDone parameter shows the progress of the transfer in the corresponding direction. If PercentDone can not be calculated the value will be -1.

To cancel the current transfer set Cancel to true.

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Build 9.0.6240.0