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IP*Works! S/SNMP V9
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CacheEntry Event

Shows engines and users in the internal cache.


typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TipnSNMPTrapMgrCacheEntryEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TipnSNMPTrapMgrCacheEntryEventParams *e);

__property TipnSNMPTrapMgrCacheEntryEvent OnCacheEntry = {read=FOnCacheEntry, write=FOnCacheEntry};

typedef struct {
     String EngineId;
     int EngineBoots;
     int EngineTime;
     String User;
     String AuthenticationProtocol;
     String AuthenticationPassword;
     String EncryptionAlgorithm;
     String EncryptionPassword;
} TipnSNMPTrapMgrCacheEntryEventParams;


CacheEntry events are triggered by a call to ShowCache. One event is fired for each user and engine. If there are no users for a particular engine, a single event is fired with the engine information, but empty values for user information.

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