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IP*Works! S/SNMP V9
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GetUserPassword Event

Retrieves a password associated with a user.


type TGetUserPasswordEvent = procedure GetUserPassword(Sender: TObject; PasswordType: Integer; const User: String; EngineId: String;var Password: String;var EncryptionAlgorithm: Integer) of object;
property OnGetUserPassword: TGetUserPasswordEvent read FOnGetUserPassword write FOnGetUserPassword;


The GetUserPassword event is fired after initial inspection of SNMPv3 requests.

The type of password required is provided in the PasswordType parameter: 1 for authentication, and 2 for encryption (privacy).

The password corresponding to User and EngineId must be provided in the Password parameter. If the password is valid, processing will continue to other events such as GetRequest, SetRequest, etc.

If the password does not match the signature in the request, a BadPacket event will be fired, at which point you can decide whether to report the error to the client (see the description of the BadPacket event for more information).

If the User is invalid or unknown, set the password to empty string (default) to ignore the request. This will result in a BadPacket event being fired, at which point you can decide whether to report the error to the client or not.

EncryptionAlgorithm must also be set to the appropriate value for the user. If the user does not use encryption, EncryptionAlgorithm does not need to be set.

Valid Encryption Algorithms are:

DES (1)Data Encryption Standard.
AES (2)Advanced Encryption Standard with key length of 128.
3DES (3)Triple Data Encryption Standard.
AES192 (4)Advanced Encryption Standard with key length of 192.
AES256 (5)Advanced Encryption Standard with key length of 256.

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Build 9.0.6240.0