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IP*Works! S/SNMP V9
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SendSecureTrapAsync Method

Sends an authenticated and/or encrypted SNMPv3 trap.


Public Function SendSecureTrapAsync(ByVal RemoteHost As String, ByVal TrapOID As String, ByVal User As String, ByVal AuthenticationProtocol As Integer, ByVal AuthenticationPassword As String, ByVal EncryptionAlgorithm As Integer, ByVal EncryptionPassword As String) As Task
public Task SendSecureTrapAsync(string remoteHost, string trapOID, string user, int authenticationProtocol, string authenticationPassword, int encryptionAlgorithm, string encryptionPassword);


This method is the asynchronous version of the SendSecureTrap method and is used to support asynchronous operations in WinRT. Please refer to SendSecureTrap for more information.

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Build 9.0.6240.0