IP*Works! 2016 macOS Edition
IP*Works! 2016 macOS Edition
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Atom Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The Atom Component is used to retrieve, parse, and update Atom content.




The Atom class supports both plaintext and SSL/TLS connections. When connecting over SSL/TLS the SSLServerAuthentication event allows you to check the server identity and other security attributes. The SSLStatus event provides information about the SSL handhsake. Additional SSL related settings are also supported via the Config method.

The Atom Class implements a standard Atom client as defined by RFC 4287 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287) and includes the Atom publishing capabilities as defined by the "The Atom Publishing Protocol" (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5023).

The class contains a number of properties that map directly to Atom fields. To receive a feed, call the GetFeed method with the URL or file to retrieve specified in the URL parameter. You may also update the Entries properties using the Put method.

The Atom Class supports all standard Atom properties and allows you to add your own through AddNamespace and the GetProperty and SetProperty methods.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

- acceptA list of acceptable MIME types for the request.
- atomDataThe complete content of the Atom resource.
- authorizationThe Authorization string to be sent to the server.
- authSchemeThe authentication scheme to use when server authorization is required.
- channelAuthorEmailThis property contains the email address of the author.
- channelAuthorNameThis property contains the name of the author.
- channelAuthorUriThis property contains the URI of the author.
- channelCategoryLabelThis property contains a textual description of the label for the category.
- channelCategorySchemeThis property identifies a categorization scheme.
- channelCategoryTermThis property contains the category to which the entry or feed belongs.
- channelContributorEmailThis property contains the email address of the contributor.
- channelContributorNameThis property contains the name of the contributor.
- channelContributorUriThis property contains the URI of the contributor.
- channelGeneratorThis property identifies the generator of the feed.
- channelIconThis property contains a reference to the image that represents this feed.
- channelIdThe Id conveys a permanent, universally unique identifier for an entry or feed.
- channelLinkHrefThis property contains the location of the link.
- channelLinkHrefLangThis property contains the language of the content at the link.
- channelLinkLengthThis property contains the length (in bytes) of the content at the link.
- channelLinkRelThis property indicates the relation of the linked content to the feed.
- channelLinkTitleThis property contains the title of the link.
- channelLinkTypeThis property contains the MIME type of the content at the link.
- channelLogoThis property contains logo for an image that represents the feed.
- channelRightsThis property contains information about the rights of the given feed.
- channelRightsTextTypeText type of the rights of the feed.
- channelSubtitleThis contains a short description of the Atom Feed.
- channelSubtitleTextTypeThis property contains the text type of the sub-title of the feed.
- channelTitleThis property contains the title of the current Atom Feed.
- channelTitleTextTypeThis property contains the text type of the title of the feed.
- channelUpdatedThis property contains the date and time that the feed was updated.
- connectedShows whether the component is connected.
- contentTypeContent type for posts and puts.
- cookieCountThe number of records in the Cookie arrays.
- cookieDomain:(int)cookieIndex The domain of a received cookie.
- cookieExpiration:(int)cookieIndex This property contains an expiration time for the cookie (if provided by the server).
- cookieName:(int)cookieIndex The name of the cookie.
- cookiePath:(int)cookieIndex This property contains a path name to limit the cookie to (if provided by the server).
- cookieSecure:(int)cookieIndex This property contains the security flag of the received cookie.
- cookieValue:(int)cookieIndex This property contains the value of the cookie.
- entryCountThe number of records in the Entry arrays.
- entryAuthorEmail:(int)entryIndex This property contains the email address of the author.
- entryAuthorName:(int)entryIndex This property contains the name of the author.
- entryAuthorUri:(int)entryIndex This property contains the URI of the author.
- entryCategoryLabel:(int)entryIndex This property contains a textual description of the label for the category.
- entryCategoryScheme:(int)entryIndex This property identifies a categorization scheme.
- entryCategoryTerm:(int)entryIndex This property contains the category to which the entry or feed belongs.
- entryContent:(int)entryIndex This property contains the text contents of an Atom entry.
- entryContentTextType:(int)entryIndex This property contains the text type of the content of the entry.
- entryContributorEmail:(int)entryIndex This property contains the email address of the contributor.
- entryContributorName:(int)entryIndex This property contains the name of the contributor.
- entryContributorUri:(int)entryIndex This property contains the URI of the contributor.
- entryCopyright:(int)entryIndex This property is used a textual description of the copyright statement for the current ATOM feed.
- entryCreated:(int)entryIndex This property contains a Date value that indicates the time that the current entry was created.
- entryXML:(int)entryIndex This property contains the full XML contents of the entry.
- entryId:(int)entryIndex The Id conveys a permanent, universally unique identifier for an entry or feed.
- entryIssued:(int)entryIndex This property contains a Date value that indicates the time that the current entry was issued.
- entryLinkHref:(int)entryIndex This property contains the location of the link.
- entryLinkHrefLang:(int)entryIndex This property contains the language of the content at the link.
- entryLinkLength:(int)entryIndex This property contains the length (in bytes) of the content at the link.
- entryLinkRel:(int)entryIndex This property indicates the relation of the linked content to the feed.
- entryLinkTitle:(int)entryIndex This property contains the title of the link.
- entryLinkType:(int)entryIndex This property contains the MIME type of the content at the link.
- entryModified:(int)entryIndex This property contains a Date value that indicates the time in which the current entry was last modified.
- entryPublished:(int)entryIndex This property contains the date that the entry was first created.
- entryRights:(int)entryIndex This property contains information about the rights of the given entry.
- entryRightsTextType:(int)entryIndex Text type of the rights of the feed.
- entrySource:(int)entryIndex This property is used when an entry has been copied from one feed to another feed.
- entrySummary:(int)entryIndex This property contains a short textual description of the Atom entry.
- entrySummaryTextType:(int)entryIndex This property contains the text type of the summary of the entry.
- entryTitle:(int)entryIndex This property contains the title of the current Atom Feed.
- entryTitleTextType:(int)entryIndex This property contains the text type of the title of the feed.
- entryUpdated:(int)entryIndex This property contains the date and time that the feed was updated.
- firewallAutoDetectThis property tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
- firewallTypeThis property determines the type of firewall to connect through.
- firewallHostThis property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional).
- firewallPasswordThis property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
- firewallPortThis property contains the TCP port for the firewall Host .
- firewallUserThis property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
- followRedirectsDetermines what happens when the server issues a redirect.
- idleThe current status of the component.
- ifModifiedSinceA date determining the maximum age of the desired document.
- localFileThe path to a local file for downloading. If the file exists, it is overwritten.
- localHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
- namespaceCountThe number of records in the Namespace arrays.
- namespacePrefix:(int)namespaceIndex The Prefix for the Namespace .
- namespaceURI:(int)namespaceIndex Namespace URI associated with the corresponding Prefix .
- otherHeadersOther headers as determined by the user (optional).
- parsedHeaderCountThe number of records in the ParsedHeader arrays.
- parsedHeaderField:(int)parsedHeaderIndex This property contains the name of the HTTP header (same case as it is delivered).
- parsedHeaderValue:(int)parsedHeaderIndex This property contains the header contents.
- passwordA password if authentication is to be used.
- proxyAuthSchemeThis property is used to tell the component which type of authorization to perform when connecting to the proxy.
- proxyAutoDetectThis property tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use proxy system settings, if available.
- proxyPasswordThis property contains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
- proxyPortThis property contains the TCP port for the proxy Server (default 80).
- proxyServerIf a proxy Server is given, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified.
- proxySSLThis property determines when to use SSL for the connection to the proxy.
- proxyUserThis property contains a user name, if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
- refererReferer URL/document (optional).
- slugA header added to the HTTP request.
- SSLAcceptServerCertEncodedThe certificate (PEM/base64 encoded).
- SSLCertEncodedThe certificate (PEM/base64 encoded).
- SSLCertStoreThe name of the certificate store for the client certificate.
- SSLCertStorePasswordIf the certificate store is of a type that requires a password, this property is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store.
- SSLCertStoreTypeThe type of certificate store for this certificate.
- SSLCertSubjectThe subject of the certificate used for client authentication.
- SSLServerCertEncodedThe certificate (PEM/base64 encoded).
- timeoutA timeout for the component.
- transferredDataThe contents of the last response from the server.
- transferredDataLimitThe maximum of bytes of data to be transferred.
- transferredHeadersThe full set of headers as received from the server.
- updateEntryAuthorEmailThis property contains the email address of the author.
- updateEntryAuthorNameThis property contains the name of the author.
- updateEntryAuthorUriThis property contains the URI of the author.
- updateEntryCategoryLabelThis property contains a textual description of the label for the category.
- updateEntryCategorySchemeThis property identifies a categorization scheme.
- updateEntryCategoryTermThis property contains the category to which the entry or feed belongs.
- updateEntryContentThis property contains the text contents of an Atom entry.
- updateEntryContentTextTypeThis property contains the text type of the content of the entry.
- updateEntryContributorEmailThis property contains the email address of the contributor.
- updateEntryContributorNameThis property contains the name of the contributor.
- updateEntryContributorUriThis property contains the URI of the contributor.
- updateEntryCopyrightThis property is used a textual description of the copyright statement for the current ATOM feed.
- updateEntryCreatedThis property contains a Date value that indicates the time that the current entry was created.
- updateEntryXMLThis property contains the full XML contents of the entry.
- updateEntryIdThe Id conveys a permanent, universally unique identifier for an entry or feed.
- updateEntryIssuedThis property contains a Date value that indicates the time that the current entry was issued.
- updateEntryLinkHrefThis property contains the location of the link.
- updateEntryLinkHrefLangThis property contains the language of the content at the link.
- updateEntryLinkLengthThis property contains the length (in bytes) of the content at the link.
- updateEntryLinkRelThis property indicates the relation of the linked content to the feed.
- updateEntryLinkTitleThis property contains the title of the link.
- updateEntryLinkTypeThis property contains the MIME type of the content at the link.
- updateEntryModifiedThis property contains a Date value that indicates the time in which the current entry was last modified.
- updateEntryPublishedThis property contains the date that the entry was first created.
- updateEntryRightsThis property contains information about the rights of the given entry.
- updateEntryRightsTextTypeText type of the rights of the feed.
- updateEntrySourceThis property is used when an entry has been copied from one feed to another feed.
- updateEntrySummaryThis property contains a short textual description of the Atom entry.
- updateEntrySummaryTextTypeThis property contains the text type of the summary of the entry.
- updateEntryTitleThis property contains the title of the current Atom Feed.
- updateEntryTitleTextTypeThis property contains the text type of the title of the feed.
- updateEntryUpdatedThis property contains the date and time that the feed was updated.
- updateFileA resource to be updated, deleted or created.
- userA user name if authentication is to be used.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

- addCookieAdds a cookie and the corresponding value to the outgoing request headers.
- addNamespaceAdds a namespace to the Namespaces properties.
- configSets or retrieves a configuration setting .
- deleteResourceDeletes the resource at the specified URL.
- doEventsProcesses events from the internal message queue.
- getFeedFetches an Atom feed.
- getPropertyFetches the value of a specific Atom feed element or attribute.
- getResourceFetches a resource.
- interruptInterrupt the current method.
- postResourcePosts a resource to the specified URL.
- putSends data to the HTTP server using the HTTP PUT method.
- putResourcePuts a resource to the specified URL.
- readFileLoad an Atom file into the component.
- resetReset all properties of the component.
- setPropertySets the value of a specific Atom feed property.
- writeFileWrite an Atom feed from the component.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

- onConnectedFired immediately after a connection completes (or fails).
- onConnectionStatusFired to indicate changes in connection state.
- onDisconnectedFired when a connection is closed.
- onEndTransferFired when a document finishes transferring.
- onErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
- onHeaderFired every time a header line comes in.
- onLogFires once for each log message.
- onRedirectFired when a redirection is received from the server.
- onSetCookieFired for every cookie set by the server.
- onSSLServerAuthenticationFired after the server presents its certificate to the client.
- onSSLStatusShows the progress of the secure connection.
- onStartTransferFired when a document starts transferring (after the headers).
- onStatusFired when the HTTP status line is received from the server.
- onTransferFired while a document transfers (delivers document).

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AcceptEncodingUsed to tell the server which types of content encodings the client supports.
AllowHTTPCompressionThis property enables HTTP compression for receiving data.
AllowHTTPFallbackWhether HTTP/2 connections are permitted to fallback to HTTP/1.1.
AppendWhether to append data to LocalFile.
AuthorizationThe Authorization string to be sent to the server.
BytesTransferredContains the number of bytes transferred in the response data.
EncodeURLIf set to true the URL will be encoded by the component.
FollowRedirectsDetermines what happens when the server issues a redirect.
GetOn302RedirectIf set to true the component will perform a GET on the new location.
HTTPVersionThe version of HTTP used by the component.
HTTP2HeadersWithoutIndexingHTTP2 headers that should not update the dynamic header table with incremental indexing.
IfModifiedSinceA date determining the maximum age of the desired document.
KeepAliveDetermines whether the HTTP connection is closed after completion of the request.
LogLevelThe level of detail that is logged.
MaxRedirectAttemptsLimits the number of redirects that are followed in a request.
NegotiatedHTTPVersionThe negotiated HTTP version.
OtherHeadersOther headers as determined by the user (optional).
ProxyAuthorizationThe authorization string to be sent to the proxy server.
ProxyAuthSchemeThe authorization scheme to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPasswordA password if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
ProxyPortPort for the proxy server (default 80).
ProxyServerName or IP address of a proxy server (optional).
ProxyUserA user name if authentication is to be used for the proxy.
TransferredDataThe contents of the last response from the server.
TransferredDataLimitThe maximum number of incoming bytes to be stored by the component.
TransferredHeadersThe full set of headers as received from the server.
UseChunkedEncodingEnables or Disables HTTP chunked encoding for transfers.
ChunkSizeSpecifies the chunk size in bytes when using chunked encoding.
UsePlatformHTTPClientWhether or not to use the platform HTTP client.
UserAgentInformation about the user agent (browser).
KerberosSPNThe Service Principal Name for the Kerberos Domain Controller.
ConnectionTimeoutSets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection.
FirewallAutoDetectTells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available.
FirewallHostName or IP address of firewall (optional).
FirewallPasswordPassword to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall.
FirewallPortThe TCP port for the FirewallHost;.
FirewallTypeDetermines the type of firewall to connect through.
FirewallUserA user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall.
KeepAliveTimeThe inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent.
KeepAliveIntervalThe retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received.
LingerWhen set to True, connections are terminated gracefully.
LingerTimeTime in seconds to have the connection linger.
LocalHostThe name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted.
LocalPortThe port in the local host where the component binds.
MaxLineLengthThe maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found.
MaxTransferRateThe transfer rate limit in bytes per second.
ProxyExceptionsListA semicolon separated list of hosts and IPs to bypass when using a proxy.
TCPKeepAliveDetermines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled.
UseIPv6Whether to use IPv6.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
LogSSLPacketsControls whether SSL packets are logged when using the internal security API.
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLIncludeCertChainWhether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.
SSLProviderThe name of the security provider to use.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
SSLCACertsA newline separated list of CA certificate to use during SSL client authentication.
SSLEnabledCipherSuitesThe cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.
TLS12SignatureAlgorithmsDefines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True.
TLS12SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for ECC.
TLS13KeyShareGroupsThe groups for which to pregenerate key shares.
TLS13SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange.
TLS13SignatureAlgorithmsThe allowed certificate signature algorithms.
OpenSSLCADirThe path to a directory containing CA certificates.
OpenSSLCAFileName of the file containing the list of CA's trusted by your application.
OpenSSLCipherListA string that controls the ciphers to be used by SSL.
OpenSSLPrngSeedDataThe data to seed the pseudo random number generator (PRNG).
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
FirewallDataUsed to send extra data to the firewall.
InBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket.
OutBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket.
SelectWaitMillisThe length of time in milliseconds the component will wait when DoEvents is called if there are no events to process.
CodePageThe system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations.
UseInternalSecurityAPITells the component whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

Copyright (c) 2020 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IP*Works! 2016 macOS Edition - Version 16.0 [Build 7353]