Cloud Mail 2020 Python Edition

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list_messages Method

Lists the messages in a mailbox.


def list_messages(filter: str, thread_id: str) -> None: ...


This method lists the messages found in the mailbox. This method populates the MessageInfo* properties.

If the number of messages is greater than the message page size, next_page_token will be populated and calling list_messages again will list the next page of messages.

filter can be used to retrieve a specific subset of messages, or it can be left as an empty string to retrieve all messages in a mailbox.

threadId can be used to retrieve a specific subset of messages from a specific thread, or it can be left as an empty string to retrieve all messages in a mailbox.

Example (List all messages in a mailbox)

gmail.ListMessages("", "");

Example (List messages from a specific address)

gmail.ListMessages("", "");

Example (List messages with the 'Unread' label)

gmail.ListMessages("is:unread", "");

Example (List messages with a specific message ID)

gmail.ListMessages("rfc822msgid:123456", "");

Example (List Messages from a specific thread)

gmail.ListMessages("", "123456789");

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
Cloud Mail 2020 Python Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8308]