PowerShell Server 2016
PowerShell Server 2016
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PowerShellASP Specific Registry Keys

Configuration options for the PowerShell ASP server included in PowerShell Server are stored in the Windows registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\nsoftware\PowerShell\ASP\16. The following values can be configured:

DefaultDocumentsStringA comma delimited list of default documents for the PowerShell ASP site. If no specific document is specified, the first document from this list that is found in the URL's path will be served to the client.
EnableCacheRunspaceDWORDWhether the runspace will be cached for use in future requests. This will allow variables to be stored and accessed again later in a different request. The default value is 0 (False).
MaxConnectionsDWORDThe maximum number of concurrent connections. The default is 25.
PlainPortDWORDThe TCP port on which the server will listen for plaintext connections. The default value is 8181.
SSLCertPasswordStringThe password of the SSL server certificate.
SSLCertStoreStringThe store that holds the SSL server certificate.
SSLCertSubjectStringThe subject of the SSL server certificate.
SSLPortDWORDThe TCP port on which the server will listen for SSL connections. The default value is 8282.
TraceLevelDWORDControls the trace level of the logging from the application. Can be one of the following values:

0 - Off: Nothing is logged.

1 - Error: Only errors are logged.

2 - Warning: Errors and warnings are logged.

3 - Info (default): Errors, warnings and informational messages are logged.

4 - Verbose: All messages, including those useful for debugging and troubleshooting are logged.

UsePlainDWORDWhether or not plaintext connections are accepted. The default value is 1 (True).
UseSSLDWORDWhether or not SSL connections are accepted. The default value is 0 (False).

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PowerShell Server 2016 - Version 16.0 [Build 7240]