SecureBlackbox Lite 2020 Python Edition

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SSHClient Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The SSHClient class provides client-side SSH protocol functionality.


class secureblackboxlite.SSHClient


Use SSHClient to establish terminal-like connections to remote systems and run commands remotely. The component supports most of third-party implementations out there, and is capable of working in "shell" and "command" modes.

Start with assigning your sign-in credentials to username and password properties. Where public key authentication is to be used, assign your private authentication key to key property (remember to set username in this case too). Subscribe to events to be notified of the session progress. on_auth_failed, on_auth_succeeded, and on_connect are among those particularly useful.

Special attention should be paid to setting up the server key trust. Class only allows connections to servers whose public keys are recognized as trusted, much like any other SSH clients do. Assign a path to the file containing the list of trusted keys to trusted_keys_file property. If you don't have such file, or if you would like to make trust decisions on the fly, subscribe to on_known_key_received and on_unknown_key_received events. These are fired whenever a trusted or untrusted key is received from the server. For unknown/untrusted keys, you need to set the Action parameter in your on_unknown_key_received event handler to catAcceptOnce (1) or catAcceptPermanently (2) for the connection to proceed.

Once you are all set up, you can go ahead by calling the connect method. This launches the SSH handshake and, if everything has been set up right, establishes a connection to the server. You can now use send and receive methods to exchange information with the server. You can exchange data in synchronous or asynchronous way; see the description in async_mode topic to learn more about each mode.

When you are done with the session, call disconnect to shut the connection down.

Hint: If you are only interested in a quick-and-dirty execution of a simple, non-interactive command, SSHClient offers a handy shortcut. connect_and_exec method is a self-contained mechanism which sets up a connection, performs the data exchange internally, and returns the command output. Please keep in mind that you still need to set up the server trust settings as described above for this method to work.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

async_modeControls the SSH clients mode of work.
auth_attemptsSpecifies the number of SSH password authentication attempts.
commandsSpecifies the list of commands to execute.
connectedSpecifies whether the client is connected to the SFTP server.
conn_info_client_key_algorithmSpecifies the client's key algorithm.
conn_info_client_key_bitsSpecifies the length of the client's key.
conn_info_client_key_fingerprintThe fingerprint (hash value) of the client's public key.
conn_info_close_reasonContains the line sent by the server just before closing the connection.
conn_info_compression_algorithm_inboundCompression algorithm for the incoming traffic.
conn_info_compression_algorithm_outboundCompression algorithm for the outgoing traffic.
conn_info_encryption_algorithm_inboundEncryption algorithm for the incoming traffic.
conn_info_encryption_algorithm_outboundEncryption algorithm for the outgoing traffic.
conn_info_inbound_encryption_key_bitsSpecifies the length of the key used to encrypt the incoming traffic.
conn_info_kex_algorithmThe key exchange algorithm used during the SSH handshake.
conn_info_kex_bitsThe number of bits used by the key exchange algorithm.
conn_info_kex_linesThe contents of the received KexInit packet.
conn_info_mac_algorithm_inboundMAC algorithm used for the incoming connection.
conn_info_mac_algorithm_outboundMAC algorithm used for outbound connection.
conn_info_outbound_encryption_key_bitsSpecifies the length of the key used to encrypt the outgoing traffic.
conn_info_public_key_algorithmSpecifies the public key algorithm which was used during the SSH handshake.
conn_info_server_key_bitsSpecifies the number of bits in the server's key.
conn_info_server_key_fingerprintThe fingerprint (hash value) of the server's public key.
conn_info_server_software_nameReturns the name of the SSH software running on the server side.
conn_info_total_bytes_receivedReturns the total number of bytes received over this connection.
conn_info_total_bytes_sentReturns the total number of bytes sent over this connection.
conn_info_versionSpecifies SSH protocol version.
exit_messageContains the last commands exit message.
exit_signalContains the last commands exit signal.
exit_statusContains the last commands exit status.
external_crypto_custom_paramsCustom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).
external_crypto_dataAdditional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.
external_crypto_external_hash_calculationSpecifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.
external_crypto_hash_algorithmSpecifies the request's signature hash algorithm.
external_crypto_key_idThe ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
external_crypto_key_secretThe pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
external_crypto_methodSpecifies the asynchronous signing method.
external_crypto_modeSpecifies the external cryptography mode.
external_crypto_public_key_algorithmProvide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.
key_fingerprint_sha1Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
key_fingerprint_sha256Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
key_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
passwordSpecifies user's password on the server.
proxy_settings_addressThe IP address of the proxy server.
proxy_settings_authenticationThe authentication type used by the proxy server.
proxy_settings_passwordThe password to authenticate to the proxy server.
proxy_settings_portThe port on the proxy server to connect to.
proxy_settings_proxy_typeThe type of the proxy server.
proxy_settings_request_headersContains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.
proxy_settings_response_bodyContains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.
proxy_settings_response_headersContains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.
proxy_settings_use_i_pv6Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.
proxy_settings_use_proxyEnables or disables proxy-driven connection.
proxy_settings_usernameSpecifies the username credential for proxy authentication.
server_key_algorithmSpecifies the key algorithm.
server_key_bitsThe number of bits in the key: the more the better, 2048 or 4096 are typical values.
server_key_commentThe comment for the public key.
server_key_curveSpecifies the elliptical curve when EC cryptography is used.
server_key_dssgThe G (Generator) parameter of the DSS signature key.
server_key_dsspThe P (Prime) parameter of the DSS signature key.
server_key_dssqThe Q (Prime Factor) parameter of the DSS signature key.
server_key_dssxThe X (Private key) parameter of the DSS signature key.
server_key_dssyThe Y (Public key) parameter of the DSS signature key.
server_key_eccdThe value of the secret key (the order of the public key, D) if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used.
server_key_eccqxThe value of the X coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used.
server_key_eccqyThe value of the Y coordinate of the public key if elliptic curve (EC) cryptography is used.
server_key_ed_privateThe value of the private key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used.
server_key_ed_publicThe value of the public key if EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm is used.
server_key_fingerprint_md5Contains the MD5 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
server_key_fingerprint_sha1Contains the SHA-1 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
server_key_fingerprint_sha256Contains the SHA-256 fingerprint (hash) of the key.
server_key_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
server_key_is_extractableWhether the key is extractable (e.
server_key_is_privateWhether this key is a private key or not.
server_key_is_publicWhether this key is a public key or not.
server_key_kdf_roundsReturns the number of iterations of the Key Derivation Function (KDF) used to generate this key.
server_key_kdf_saltThe salt value used by the Key Derivation Function (KDF) to generate this key.
server_key_key_formatSpecifies the format in which the key is stored.
server_key_key_protection_algorithmSpecifies the key protection algorithm.
server_key_rsa_exponentReturns the e parameter (public exponent) of the RSA key.
server_key_rsaiqmpReturns the iqmp parameter of the RSA key.
server_key_rsa_modulusReturns the m parameter (public modulus) of the RSA key.
server_key_rsapReturns the p parameter (first factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key.
server_key_rsa_private_exponentReturns the d parameter (private exponent) of the RSA key.
server_key_rsaqReturns the q parameter (second factor of the common modulus n) of the RSA key.
server_key_subjectSpecifies the public key owner (subject).
socket_dns_modeSelects the DNS resolver to use: the class's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.
socket_dns_portSpecifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.
socket_dns_query_timeoutThe timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query.
socket_dns_serversThe addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.
socket_dns_total_timeoutThe timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process.
socket_incoming_speed_limitThe maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.
socket_local_addressThe local network interface to bind the socket to.
socket_local_portThe local port number to bind the socket to.
socket_outgoing_speed_limitThe maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.
socket_timeoutThe maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.
socket_use_i_pv6Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.
ssh_settings_auto_adjust_ciphersWhether the SSH client should adjust its list of supported ciphers 'on-the-fly' for greater compatibility with the server it is connecting to.
ssh_settings_base_configurationAllows to choose base configuration of SSH settings, tuned up for different purposes such as high security or higher compatibility.
ssh_settings_compression_algorithmsA list of session compression algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
ssh_settings_compression_levelPossible values for the Compression Level range from 0 (minimum compression) to 9 (maximum compression).
ssh_settings_default_window_sizeThe SSH window size specifies how many bytes the client can send to the server in the command channel without obtaining pre-authorization for the further send from the server.
ssh_settings_encryption_algorithmsA list of session encryption algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
ssh_settings_force_compressionWhether the SSH client should explicitly request compression.
ssh_settings_gss_auth_typesA comma-separated list of authentication types.
ssh_settings_gss_delegate_credsSwitches credential delegation on or off.
ssh_settings_gss_hostnameThe GSS host name, in form of a FQDN (e.
ssh_settings_gss_libA path to the GSS-API library (DLL or SO).
ssh_settings_gss_mechanismsA comma-separated list of GSS mechanisms to use.
ssh_settings_gss_protocolsA comma-separated list of SSPI protocols.
ssh_settings_handshake_timeoutSpecifies the maximal time for the SSH handshake to proceed, in seconds.
ssh_settings_kex_algorithmsA list of key exchange algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
ssh_settings_mac_algorithmsA list of MAC (for message authentication code ) algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
ssh_settings_max_ssh_packet_sizeSpecifies the maximum length of one SSH packet in bytes.
ssh_settings_min_window_sizeSpecifies the minimal internal window size.
ssh_settings_obfuscate_handshakeEnables or disables handshake obfuscation.
ssh_settings_obfuscation_passwordSpecifies the password used to encrypt the handshake when ObfuscateHandshake is set.
ssh_settings_public_key_algorithmsA list of public key algorithms separated with commas or semicolons.
ssh_settings_request_password_changeWhether to request a password change when connecting.
ssh_settings_software_nameThe name to be used by the class to identify itself.
ssh_settings_trust_all_keysEnables or disables explicit trust to all server keys.
ssh_settings_use_auth_agentEnables or disables the use of external key agent, such as Putty key agent.
ssh_settings_versionsSpecifies enabled SSH protocol versions (1 or 2).
subsystemSpecifies the subsystem to request from the server.
terminal_colsSpecifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in characters.
terminal_environmentSpecifies the list of environment variables.
terminal_eol_charSpecifies the End-of-Line character or sequence.
terminal_heightSpecifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in pixels.
terminal_opcodesSpecifies the operation codes specific for the terminal.
terminal_protocolThe terminal protocol name.
terminal_request_ptySpecifies whether to request a pseudoterminal for the session.
terminal_rowsSpecifies the height of the pseudoterminal, in lines.
terminal_widthSpecifies the width of the pseudoterminal, in pixels.
trusted_keys_filePath to the file containing public keys of authorized servers.
usernameSpecifies client's username on the server.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
connectEstablishes connection to an SSH server.
connect_and_execConnects to an SSH server and executes a command in one go.
disconnectCloses connection to the SSH server.
pingSends a keep-alive request to the SSH server.
pollChecks whether there is any inbound data readily available.
receiveReads a portion of received data into a string.
receive_bytesReads a portion of received data into a byte array.
receive_bytes_fromReads a portion of data received via a specific channel into a byte array.
receive_fromReads a portion of data received via a specific channel into a string.
sendSends a string to the server.
send_bytesSends an array of bytes to the server.
send_specialSends a special character to the server or remote command.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_auth_attemptFires when a single authentication attempt is performed.
on_auth_failedFires when a single authentication attempt is failed.
on_auth_succeededReports a successful authentication.
on_bannerReports the receipt of the Hello message from the server.
on_command_completedSignifies completion of the command execution.
on_command_startMarks the commencement of a command execution.
on_connectThis event is fired when an SSH session has been established.
on_data_receivedReports receipt of another chunk of data from the server.
on_data_sentNotifies the application that a piece of data has been sent to the server.
on_disconnectThis event is fired when the SFTP subsystem connection is closed.
on_errorInformation about errors during SFTP connection.
on_external_signHandles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.
on_known_key_receivedThis event is fired when a known SSH key is received from the server.
on_notificationThis event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
on_password_change_requestThis event is fired when a password change is requested.
on_private_key_neededThis event is fired when client's public key was accepted by the server, but the corresponding secret key is not available.
on_unknown_key_receivedThis event is fired when an unknown SSH key is received from the server.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

BlockSizeThe data block size.
ErrorOriginSpecifies whether the error is local or remote.
ErrorSeveritySpecifies whether the error is fatal.
LocalCharsetCharset used on the client machine.
RemoteCharsetCharset used on the server.
SendCommandEOFDefines whether EOF control character should be sent after the command data.
ThrottleControlEnables or disables throttle control for the connection.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
SecureBlackbox Lite 2020 Python Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8166]