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UploadPart Method

Uploads a part in a multipart upload.


public void uploadPart(String objectName, int partNumber, String uploadId);


This method uploads a part in a multipart upload. When called, this method will upload the part data specified by LocalFile, SetUploadStream, or ObjectData.

UploadId identifies the upload with which the part is associated. UploadId is returned by the StartMultipartUpload method.

PartNumber specifies the part within the multipart upload. This must be a value from 1 to 10,000 inclusive. If a previous part was uploading using the same PartNumber it will be overwritten.

ObjectName specifies the name of the object to which this part applies.

Individual parts must be at least 5 MB in size. The only exception to this is the last part in a multipart upload. The last part has no size restrictions.

If IncludePartMD5 is set to true the component will include the MD5 digest value when sending data to the server. The server will then verify that the data was received without corruption.

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