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SetTopicAttributes Method

Sets attributes on the specified topic.


procedure SetTopicAttributes(TopicArn: String; AttributeType: Integer; AttributeValue: String);


This method may be used to specify attributes on the specified topic.

TopicArn specifies the topic.

AttributeType determines which attribute is set and AttributeValue specifies the value. The following table provides more information:

0 (DisplayName) A human readable name to be used in the "From" field for email based endpoints
1 (AccessPolicy) A JSON serialized access policy for the topic
2 (DeliveryPolicy)A JSON serialized delivery policy for the topic

An example access policy is:


An example delivery policy is:

{"http":{"defaultHealthyRetryPolicy": {"minDelayTarget": 1, "maxDelayTarget": 5, "numRetries": 5, "numMaxDelayRetries": 5, "backoffFunction": "linear"}}}

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