Amazon Integrator V6 - Online Help
Amazon Integrator V6
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AddPermission Method

Adds a permission to a queue for a specific account, which allows for sharing access to the queue.


function AddPermission(QueueId: String; UserLabel: String; AmazonAccount: String; PermissionName: String): String;


This method adds a permission to the queue specified by QueueId for the user account specified by AmazonAccount. UserLabel is the unique identification of the permission you're granting, and is used when deleting the permission via the RemovePermission method. The current list of values you may pass in the PermissionName parameter are listed below:

  • SendMessage
  • ReceiveMessage
  • DeleteMessage
  • ChangeMessageVisibility
  • GetQueueAttributes

Note that when you create a queue, you have full control access rights for the queue. Only you (as owner of the queue) can grant or deny permissions to the queue.

AddPermission writes an SQS-generated policy. If you want to write your own policy, use SetQueueAttribute to upload your policy.

This method returns the RequestId contained in the Amazon response.

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Build 6.0.6240.0