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ListParts Method

Lists the parts of a multipart upload.


Public Sub ListParts(ByVal VaultName As String, ByVal UploadId As String)
public void ListParts(string vaultName, string uploadId);


This method lists the parts of a multipart upload specified by UploadId.

VaultName identifies the vault in which the archive is created.

The PartList event will fire once for each Part returned. In addition, the Parts collection will be populated.

By default up to 1000 parts will be returned in a single set of results. The maximum number of results can be specified by setting MaxListPartResults. If the number of results exceeds the maximum the results are paged. The IsPartPaged setting will be set to True and PartMarker will be populated.

To get all results simply call ListParts again until IsPartPaged returns False and PartMarker is empty string.

NOTE: This method has a corresponding asynchronous version (ListPartsAsync) for use in the Xamarin environment.

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Build 6.0.6240.0