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StartMultipartUpload Method

Starts a multipart upload and returns an UploadId.


Public Function StartMultipartUpload(ByVal ObjectName As String) As String
public string StartMultipartUpload(string objectName);


Begins a multipart upload. This method will initiate a multipart upload and return the UploadId associated with the upload. There is no expiration of the upload. The upload must be completed by calling CompleteMultipartUpload or aborted by calling AbortMultipartUpload.

The UploadId returned by this method is used to reference the upload when uploading parts via UploadPart and other operations such as AbortMultipartUpload, CompleteMultipartUpload, and ListParts.

The UploadId may also be retrieved at a later time by calling ListMultipartUploads.

NOTE: This method has a corresponding asynchronous version (StartMultipartUploadAsync) for use in the Xamarin environment.

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