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ListIdentities Method

Lists the identities of the given type.


Public Sub ListIdentities(ByVal IdentityType As Integer)
public void ListIdentities(int identityType);


This method is used to list the identities of the specified type. The IdentityType parameter specifies the type of identities you wish to list. Possible values are:

2Both Email and Domain

The Identities property will be populated with the results. The Name field will contain the identity for each result. The IdentityList event will also fire for each result.

If the number of results exceeds MaxListIdentityResults the results will be paged. When the results are paged the IsPaged setting will return "True" and the IdentityMarker property will be populated. To obtain the next page of results simply call ListIdentities again. The IdentityMarker value determines the results offset. On the last page of results the IsPaged configuration setting will return "False" and IdentityMarker will be set to empty string. With this design to get all of the results you can repeatedly call ListIdentities until IsPaged returns "False" or IdentityMarker is set to empty string.

NOTE: This method has a corresponding asynchronous version (ListIdentitiesAsync) for use in the Xamarin environment.

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Build 6.0.6240.0