AppliedToTxnType Property
The type of the transaction.
__property String AppliedToTxnType[int AppliedToIndex] = {read=FAppliedToTxnType, write=FSetAppliedToTxnType};
Default Value
The type of the transaction. At the time of this writing, TxnType may contain any of the following values:
"ARRefundCreditCard", "Bill", "BillPaymentCheck", "BillPaymentCreditCard", "BuildAssembly", "Charge", "Check", " CreditCardCharge", "CreditCardCredit", "CreditMemo", "Deposit", "Estimate", "InventoryAdjustment", "Invoice", " ItemReceipt", "JournalEntry", "LiabilityAdjustment", "Paycheck", "PayrollLiabilityCheck", "PurchaseOrder", " ReceivePayment", "SalesOrder", "SalesReceipt", "SalesTaxPaymentCheck", "Transfer", "VendorCredit", or "YTDAdjustment"
The size of the array is controlled by the AppliedToCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type