QuickBooks Integrator 2016 Linux Edition
QuickBooks Integrator 2016 Linux Edition
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How To Use The Package

Nearly all of the components represent a business object such as a customer, invoice, or bill, and can be used to store information and communicate with QuickBooks.

Different operations are supported for different components. Each object may be added to QuickBooks with Add, retrieved with Get, or deleted with Delete.

"Entity objects" are objects representing people or corporations with whom the QuickBooks user does business. These are accessed through the Customer, Vendor, and Employee components. These objects may be retrieved by name with GetByName, and modified and updated with the Update method. Use caution when updating, however; in general only contact information such as the name and address may be updated. The description for each property specifies whether or not it may be updated.

Transaction objects represent common business transactions such as a Bill, an Invoice, a PurchaseOrder, etc. All transaction objects have an array of Items, used to list items bought or sold in the transaction, and many have an array of Expenses, used to itemize expenses that may be charged to expense account. Transaction objects may be added or retrieved, and may also be voided where appropriate with the Cancel method.

The ObjSearch component is used to query the QuickBooks database using a combination of query filters. See the documentation for ObjSearch for more information on how this is done.

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QuickBooks Integrator 2016 Linux Edition - Version 16.0 [Build 7353]