QuickBooks Integrator 2020 .NET Edition

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ObjSearch Configuration

The component accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

ObjSearch Configuration Settings

AuthFlags:   Connection Flags (use for QuickBooks Simple Start).

Since 2006, QuickBooks has allowed AuthFlags to be set before connecting to QuickBooks. By default, the component can connect to Pro, Premier, and Enterprise editions of QuickBooks. However, because QuickBooks Simple Start contains only a subset of the functionality that other desktop versions provide, Intuit does not allow COM connection to Simple Start unless these AuthFlags explicitly indicate you wish to support it.

A list of allowable AuthFlags is provided below.

"" or 0Do not send any auth flags
0x01Support QB Simple Start
0x02Support QB Pro
0x04Support QB Premier
0x08Support QB Enterprise
0x80000000Force Auth Dialog

To specify support for multiple editions, OR together the values for each edition.

NOTE: If the version of QuickBooks being used does not support AuthFlags, the contents of this config will be ignored. However, if QuickBooks does support this feature, setting "AuthFlags=1" (Support for Simple Start only) on a machine running QuickBooks 2013 Pro will result in an error message indicating that the Request Processor cannot be found.

CurrencyId:   Filters results by indicated currency.

This is available for entity searches (Account, Customer, etc) when QBXMLVersion is "8.0" or greater.

CurrencyName:   Filters results by indicated currency.

This is available for entity searches (Account, Customer, etc) when QBXMLVersion is "8.0" or greater.

Date:   Searches by exact date.

This field is used as the DueDate for the qtBillToPayQuery Query Type and the TxnDate for the qtItemAssembliesCanBuildQuery Query Type. The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

DeletionType:   The type of list or transaction from which a member has been deleted.

For the qtListDeletedQuery QueryType the following values are supported: Account, BillingRate, Class, Currency, Customer, CustomerMsg, CustomerType, DateDrivenTerms, Employee, ItemDiscount, ItemFixedAsset, ItemGroup, ItemInventory, ItemInventoryAssembly, ItemNonInventory, ItemOtherCharge, ItemPayment, ItemSalesTax, ItemSalesTaxGroup, ItemService, ItemSubtotal, JobType, OtherName, PaymentMethod, PayrollItemNonWage, PayrollItemWage, PriceLevel, SalesRep, SalesTaxCode, ShipMethod, StandardTerms, ToDo, UnitOfMeasureSet, Vehicle, Vendor, and VendorType.

For the qtTxnDeletedQuery QueryType the following values are supported: ARRefundCreditCard, Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, BuildAssembly, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, TimeTracking, VehicleMileage, VendorCredit

EnforceMaxLength:   Indicates whether to enforce max lengths for QB Fields.

If you change this setting to False, the component will no longer check (or error) when the length of a property exceeds the maximum length specified in the QuickBooks SDK.

FindWithChildren:   Include children in the results of an entity Name or Id search.

If set to true, searching by EntityName or EntityId will include all of that item's children in the response.

This is only applicable to searches for transaction objects.

GetHighestVersion:   Highest QBXMLVersion supported by the installed instance of QuickBooks.

If QuickBooks is installed on the system, this setting will retrieve the highest QBXMLVersion that may be used for sending transactions to QuickBooks.

GetRequestProcessorDLLVersion:   Returns the version of the QB Request Processor that is installed on your system.

GetSupportedVersions:   Returns a list of QBXMLVersions that are supported by QuickBooks.

If QuickBooks is installed on the system, this setting will retrieve a list of all supported QBXMLVersions that may be used for sending transactions to QuickBooks. While GetHighestVersion config returns only the highest QBXMLVersion supported, this config returns ALL supported QBXMLVersions. The list is delimited with '\n' (linefeed) characters.

IsReadOnly:   This causes the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display text informing the user that its access will be read-only.

The default value is false.

MetaDataType:   Controls whether a count of results is returned or not.

This configuration setting can be used to instruct QuickBooks (via the metaData request attribute) to return a count of the results being returned. This can be configured so that the count is returned with the results or so that only a count and no data is returned.

A list of available values is provided below.

0No count will be returned. (default)
1Only the count will be returned.
2The count will be returned along with the results.

If this is set to return a count, this will be available via the ResultCount configuration setting.

ModifiedDateRangeFilterName:   The ModifiedDateRangeFilter tag name to be used in the request.

Specifying ModifiedDateStart or ModifiedDateEnd SearchCriteria fields will cause a 'ModifiedDateRangeFilter' tag to be added to the qbXML request. In some transaction queries, however, the QuickBooks SDK specifies a different name for this tag. This configuration setting allows you to specify an alternate tag name to be used.

The default value is ModifiedDateRangeFilter

PersonalDataPref:   Whether the connecting application will require access to personal data such as SSN or credit card information.

This setting allows you to let the user know immediately whether your application requires access to personal data or not.

A list of available values is provided below.

pdpOptionalCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display a checkbox for user selection asking whether the user wants to allow the application to access personal data.
pdpRequiredCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to not display the personal information checkbox for user selection, and instead display a warning that the application needs to access personal data.
pdpNotNeededCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to not display the personal information checkbox for user selection, and instead display an informational message that the application will NOT access personal data.

The default value is pdpOptional.

QBConnectionMode:   The mode of connection to QuickBooks.

Specifies whether the integrated application logs in using single-user or multi-user mode.

The following values are permitted:

0Don't Care
1Single-User Mode
2Multi-User Mode

About Single-User and Multi-User Modes

If the connection to QuickBooks is made in single-user mode, QuickBooks will give exclusive access to the connecting application. It will lock out all other integrated applications; if QuickBooks and the company file are not already open in single-user mode by the QuickBooks user, the user will be locked out as well.

If the connection is made in multi-user mode, QuickBooks will allow all other integrated applications access. QuickBooks end users on other machines will also be allowed to access the file. However, if the application (rather than the end user) starts QuickBooks automatically, end users on the same machine will still be locked out.

If cmDontCare is specified, an appropriate connection mode will be chosen automatically. If a company file is open in either single-user or multi-user mode, the integrated application will accept that connection mode. If no company file is open, QuickBooks will login automatically in multi-user mode.

About Integrated and Automatic Login

Note that your application's login to QuickBooks might be either automatic or interactive. Interactive login is used when QuickBooks is already open. Access will be shared between the integrated application and the QuickBooks end user, and if multi-user mode is specified, other applications and users will have access as well. When a connection is made, QuickBooks will show a dialog window to the user, and ask the user if he/she wants to permit the connection.

Automatic login is used when QuickBooks is not already open. QuickBooks will be opened in the background, and will run until your application has finished its connection with QuickBooks. The QuickBooks user interface will not be displayed, and end-users on the same machine will be locked out. End-users on other machines, however, will be allowed access if multi-user mode is specified.

By default integrated applications do not have permission to login automatically. The first time an application interacts with QuickBooks, it must do so interactively, with QuickBooks and the company file open. The QuickBooks end user may then grant automatic login permission through Edit Preferences - Integrated Applications in the QuickBooks user interface. Click on the name of the application and then "Properties", and you may allow the application to login automatically.

For automatic login the CompanyFile must be specified. CompanyFile, ApplicationName, and other properties relating to the QuickBooks connection may be edited through QBConnectionString.

QBFileStatus:   The status of the company file as it pertains to accepting connections.

This setting may be queried before attempting to connect to QuickBooks to determine the current company file status. When queried the component will attempt to determine whether a subsequent connection using the provided QBConnectionString value would succeed. Possible return values are:

0 The company file will accept the connection. This indicates that no company file is open, or the desired company file is already open.
1 The company file will not accept the connection. This indicates a different company file is already open.

QBOpenCompanyFile:   The file currently open in QuickBooks.

The name of the file currently open in QuickBooks, specified completely with the path. This field is read-only.

A query is submitted to QuickBooks when the value of this property is read. The empty string will be returned if no file is open, if QuickBooks is open in an access mode incompatible with QBConnectionMode, or if an error occurs.

If the value of this property is nonempty, the component may interact exclusively with the open file.

ResultCount:   A count of results returned via QuickBooks' metaData attribute.

Contains the count returned from QuickBooks when MetaDataType is configured to return this information.

SSLAcceptServerCert:   The SSL certificate being used by the Remote Connector.

The Base-64 encoded certificate being used by the Remote Connector (you may get this certificate from the Remote Connector by going to the Security tab, and clicking Export.)

This is only necessary if using a self-signed certificate, or any other certificate that has not been signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted by the system.

SSLAcceptServerCertFile:   The SSL certificate file being used by the Remote Connector.

If your public key certificate is stored in a file, you may set this configuration setting to the full path of the certificate, and it will be immediately read from disk and stored in SSLAcceptServerCert. Equivalent to setting SSLAcceptServerCert to file contents.

Reading the value of this setting will return an empty string.

StopOnError:   Specifies how QuickBooks is to proceed if an error occurs in processing of the current request.

If StopOnError is True (default), QuickBooks will stop processing when an error occurs. Requests that have already been processed will not be rolled back. An error is returned for the operation that caused the error condition. If StopOnError is False, QuickBooks will continue processing the remaining requests if an error occurs.

TotalBalance:   The balance which returned records should have.

Limits the search to records with balances equal to TotalBalance. If TotalBalance is specified, TotalBalanceMaximum and TotalBalanceMinumum may not be (this limitation is imposed by the QBXML interface).

The amount should be formatted as a string in dollars.

Only applicable to searches for entity objects.

TxnDateRangeFilterName:   The TxnDateRangeFilter tag name to be used in the request.

Specifying TransactionDateStart or TransactionDateEnd SearchCriteria fields will cause a 'TxnDateRangeFilter' tag to be added to the qbXML request. In some transaction queries, however, the QuickBooks SDK specifies a different name for this tag. This configuration setting allows you to specify an alternate tag name to be used.

The default value is TxnDateRangeFilter

UnattendedModePref:   Whether connecting while QuickBooks is closed is required or optional for the user.

This setting allows you to let the user know immediately whether your application requires the ability to access QuickBooks while QuickBooks is closed.

A list of available values is provided below.

umpOptionalCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display its default selections and let the user pick. Use this setting if you do not need unattended mode.
umpRequiredCauses the QuickBooks authorization dialog to display only the selection choices of "No" (no authorization) or "Yes, allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" (authorize unattended mode).

The default value is umpOptional.

WarningCodes:   A comma-separated list of QuickBooks warning codes that should not result in an exception.

By default, the component will throw an exception when a status code with severity "Warn" is returned in a QuickBooks response. Set this field to a comma-separated list of status codes that should not throw an exception if returned. Note that the QuickBooks response code is not necessarily the same as the exception code from the resulting exception.

Base Configuration Settings

BuildInfo:   Information about the product's build.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the product's build.

GUIAvailable:   Tells the component whether or not a message loop is available for processing events.

In a GUI-based application, long-running blocking operations may cause the application to stop responding to input until the operation returns. The component will attempt to discover whether or not the application has a message loop and, if one is discovered, it will process events in that message loop during any such blocking operation.

In some non-GUI applications an invalid message loop may be discovered that will result in errant behavior. In these cases, setting GUIAvailable to false will ensure that the component does not attempt to process external events.

LicenseInfo:   Information about the current license.

When queried, this setting will return a string containing information about the license this instance of a component is using. It will return the following information:

  • Product: The product the license is for.
  • Product Key: The key the license was generated from.
  • License Source: Where the license was found (e.g. RuntimeLicense, License File).
  • License Type: The type of license installed (e.g. Royalty Free, Single Server).
UseInternalSecurityAPI:   Tells the component whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

By default the component will use the system security libraries to perform cryptographic functions. When set to False calls to unmanaged code will be made. In certain environments this is not desirable. To use a completely managed security implementation set this setting to True. Setting this to True tells the component to use the internal implementation instead of using the system's security API.

Note: This setting is static. The value set is applicable to all components used in the application.

When this value is set the product's system DLL is no longer required as a reference, as all unmanaged code is stored in that file.

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QuickBooks Integrator 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7941]